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SMSes of the Day : Tuesday

SMSes of the Day : Tuesday

* WE sing the African Union anthem together with our national anthem on the national television (NBC) every day. The same NBC failed dismally to show the Africa Nations Cup that started on Sunday here at home. What an incomparable hypocrisy. The same cannot be said about One Africa TV. They too have failed dismally to bring the game to their viewers. Can they tell us which Africa do they represent?

* EVER wonder why the NBC can’t raise the money to showcase the Afcon games in Ghana! Reason: Multichoice is (partly) owned by Swapo. Hence, for the parliamentarians it’s not a priority. They all own DStv. It’s an issue of poor and rich. Other countries manage to pay up, why not Namibia? Yet we talk about social development. It’s a shame. * FUNNY how an Attorney General and Minister of Justice blames the media for not questioning the ODC (Offshore Development Company, where N$100 million went missing). What about her ministry or whose job is it now? Please Swapo, keep quiet and stop embarrassing yourselves.Food for thought* A PERSON who is 18 years old is regarded as an adult. The Namibian Government will turn 18 in March. It is, therefore expected that it will do better than the previous years. Good luck!* NAMIBIANS should pity Shilamba and not call for his removal. Please bear in mind he is a political appointee. The Nam-Zim loan fiasco is not of his making and NamPower is not alone in messing up, just look down South at the load shedding that’s causing so much havoc because of Eskom’s ineptitude. – NganzaPolitics in general* COME on gents, where is the democracy that we are proud of in this country. It seems the Caprivi Region is not enjoying it as yet. I’m referring to the Caprivi Governor issue. Tell me why should Sibalatani be imposed on the majority residents of Caprivi? I cannot put my hands on to anything this man has done for the region.* POLITICAL maturity: I don’t understand why two political parties should schedule their rallies on the same date and place, e.g Omuthiya Swapo and RDP rallies. Please avoid clashes. We as a nation don’t want war in Namibia. – Tayo* I WOULD like thank my Namibian brothers and sisters in the RDP and Swapo for their tolerance. That’s the way to go. Let the pursuit of peace and harmony be our guiding principle to avoid what is happening in other parts of Africa. Thank you Hidipo Hamutenya for giving credit to the Swapo-led Government for their vision to proclaim towns. At least you are giving credit where credit is due.* THE Swapo leadership must not promote the Kenya story. They ferried people to intimidate RDP people as we came from the Omuthiya rally. Stones and bottles were thrown. Even guns were raised. It’s fortunate we did not retaliate. However we shall not be scared off. We are here to stay. Swapo must learn to live with it. Next encounter might be disastrous. President Pohamba you have the constitutional mandate and power to avoid the bloodshed.* NBC stop your bias when reporting on political rallies. Why don’t you show the truth about the crowds at RDP rallies but you clearly show Swapo ones by zooming in so that it looks like there were many people. Are you scared?* WHO exactly determines the time allocated for stories on political rallies at the NBC? Did we have qualified camera personnel at both rallies at Omuthiya? I watch the news on Sunday which was so biased. RDP had different speakers but what they said was not reported on. Yet all speakers at the Swapo rally received coverage. What is the criteria being used? Or does Swapo own the NBC?* PRESIDENT Pohamba must suspend the Namibian Constitution and implement the Swapo Party manifesto and directives, because it is the only party above the law. – Fanyele.* IT is a pity to see politicians such as Jesaya Nyamu, who are against development projects such as the northern railway for cheap political gain. You could imagine what could have happened to this project if Nyamu was the Minister of Works at the time the railway was being constructed with all his hidden agendas.* WHY are Swapo comrades complaining about the new party (RDP)? Was it not for free political activity that we fought? Swapo was harassed and terrorised by the racist apartheid regime. The people of Namibia under the leadership of Swapo fought this regime and won gloriously. Why are some comrades trying to repeat the mistakes of the apartheid regime? The only question they ought to be concerned about is, whether the rules of the constitution were adhered to in the process of registering the new party. The struggle was about political freedom comrades, not about Swapo slipping into the slippers of the previous regime. If we do, comrades, we will unite the democratic forces against us as it happened in the sixties. So, SPYL, wake up and read the writing on the wall. Let’s promote democracy and pluralism, not unilateral political supremacy of one party over others. That is the job of the electorate to determine. Just take the challenge and be better in service delivery, comrades, then the electorate will mandate you to govern. Welcome to the new opposition!* NON-RULING political parties must make practical changes in our country before we vote for them to power. Don’t they realise that Swapo was voted to power for fighting for this country and bringing national reconciliation that opens their mouths wide so that they can insult us?* IS there any provision in the electoral act that deals with the nullification of elections in the event of too low turnout like during the recent Rundu election? How does one expect the less than 20 per cent to manage the constituency?* WHY should Swapo suffer from the fear of unknown. A newborn baby has to cry first as a sign of life. So let RDP cry out to signal to the nation that a new being has been brought to life. Swapo just wear your smile, there is no need to panic. Who knows maybe the newborn baby will be your blessing in future.* SWAPO’S political pettiness has now reached a new low point at Omuthiya. Ithana and Nghimtina’s ‘white lies’ accusations amount to racial incitement! Bereft of ideas, they now expose themselves as intellectually and morally bankrupt. Who are the reactionaries now? Please consult your dictionary on the true meaning of ‘white lies’ please, madam. And beware of what you sow!* WHETHER the RDP will win the next election is not the main issue at stake. More important is that this country will finally have a strong opposition party that can start seriously to challenge Government on many issues for the benefit of all. It is a concern to see how few Namibians actually understand this. – Edwin BEducation* I AM a Unam student and I applied for a Government loan last year and want to know whether the Ministry of Education is done or is still busy sending letters of acknowledgement. I did not get any response.* I HAVE reason to believe that fairness does not exist in the various sections in the Ministry of Education. Why does NQA not evaluate Unam’s four-year degrees, while NSFAF wants us to repay their loans with more interest added? We have been in the teaching profession for years as professionally unqualified teachers but our salaries are too low, as NQA does not evaluate our qualifications. – AT Amakali* PLEASE Namibian Government consider the students studying abroad. They are suffering. I am talking about students in Algeria. We, the families have to assist them with everything, even school materials. They went there under a Government scholarship.* JUST admit that the education system has failed. How can you promote children who were supposed to fail and when they reach Grade 10 you kick them out? How do you expect crime to go down, when you are creating criminals out of school leavers.* ONE Africa TV, please air the programme titled ‘Learn with Namcor’. It has really been helpful to me in my studies. Is it possible for one to obtain a copy of those programmes? If so, how can I?Consumer concerns* SHOPRITE Mariental, your service is poor to say the least! Nine pay points but only one available during the busiest periods. Poor planning from supervisors or just plain don’t care attitude for your customers, who have to queue for a long time? You tell us!* DEAR MTC, it’s high time you improve on your service delivery. The network is really annoying on Fridays. MTC you are failing us. – Uutoni* HALLO MTC, as customers we are so worried. We don’t know if we are going forwards or backwards. It seems your network has been particularly busy on weekends since the beginning of 2008. Please help us out otherwise some would consider moving to your rival.From the regions* WE, the people of Etayi constituency suffer a lot during the rainy season, because there is no road to Oshikuku. The oshanas are now full and if you want to go to hospital you have to travel 50 km. Please Minister Kaapanda do something.* IS Keetmanshoop also part and parcel of the decentralisation process? If it is, why not bring the services closer to the people? Bring the finance department of the Ministry of Health and Social Services to its regional office. Please minister, do something as you promised – let it not be empty as in the past.* ONGENGA councillor and also Ohangwena Governor, when will you electrify the Onghala Combined School? Please, please we also need Grade 8, 9 and 10 at this school.* CEO of Ondangwa, can you please tell the residents why Mr Kalundingo and Shaanika are always on leave? They have to give us the green light to build, as they do inspections. Why do I have to wait for someone for the whole month? Please improve your service. We are paying for services, not getting them free. Some of these officers should change their manners. They are rude. Next time I will name them if you do not improve. – Eddy* PLEASE TransNamib, we want a fly-over for the Keetmanshoop railway station. It is the second largest railway station, but without a fly-over. CEO bring the change before someone is killed please.* WE, Omusati residents, appeal to the Minister of Finance to bring Inland Revenue as well as Customs and Excise offices to the region’s capital town, Outapi. We have to walk long distances to Oshakati in Oshana region for these services.* ONGWEDIVA town council can you please tell us how you rate our water bills. We are paying too much for the little water we consume. – KambodjaGeneral* GOVERNMENT must not mind the Namibia Employers’ Federation. Let the new labour law become operational. Our annual and sick leave are not being paid by APS. We don’t want any change to the new labour act as requested by NEF. Many Namibians have worked four to five years as casuals without any benefit under labour-hire companies.* SOCIAL Security Commission please take over the role of BIG. In other countries the SSC takes care of disabled, unemployed or the retired.* POLICE officers need decent accommodation. They live in shacks, in dark corners and live together with their enemies, the criminals, who in any case can hamper their law enforcement responsibilities. Government, please take care of them, for the safety of our nation. – Dr Farman* AT Tsumeb street kids taking refuge in a laundry room at the flats of the mine are scavenging in the dustbins, walking with juice boxes sniffing glue and in a permanent trance, not attending school. We give food and also talk to them, but the best part is, just at the other side of the fence is the office of the social workers. Are these kids not the future of this country? Please Minister Mugunda investigate. I am an orphan too.* FUNNY how an Attorney General and Minister of Justice blames the media for not questioning the ODC (Offshore Development Company, where N$100 million went missing). What about her ministry or whose job is it now? Please Swapo, keep quiet and stop embarrassing yourselves.Food for thought * A PERSON who is 18 years old is regarded as an adult. The Namibian Government will turn 18 in March. It is, therefore expected that it will do better than the previous years. Good luck! * NAMIBIANS should pity Shilamba and not call for his removal. Please bear in mind he is a political appointee. The Nam-Zim loan fiasco is not of his making and NamPower is not alone in messing up, just look down South at the load shedding that’s causing so much havoc because of Eskom’s ineptitude. – Nganza Politics in general * COME on gents, where is the democracy that we are proud of in this country. It seems the Caprivi Region is not enjoying it as yet. I’m referring to the Caprivi Governor issue. Tell me why should Sibalatani be imposed on the majority residents of Caprivi? I cannot put my hands on to anything this man has done for the region.* POLITICAL maturity: I don’t understand why two political parties should schedule their rallies on the same date and place, e.g Omuthiya Swapo and RDP rallies. Please avoid clashes. We as a nation don’t want war in Namibia. – Tayo * I WOULD like thank my Namibian brothers and sisters in the RDP and Swapo for their tolerance. That’s the way to go. Let the pursuit of peace and harmony be our guiding principle to avoid what is happening in other parts of Africa. Thank you Hidipo Hamutenya for giving credit to the Swapo-led Government for their vision to proclaim towns. At least you are giving credit where credit is due.* THE Swapo leadership must not promote the Kenya story. They ferried people to intimidate RDP people as we came from the Omuthiya rally. Stones and bottles were thrown. Even guns were raised. It’s fortunate we did not retaliate. However we shall not be scared off. We are here to stay. Swapo must learn to live with it. Next encounter might be disastrous. President Pohamba you have the constitutional mandate and power to avoid the bloodshed.* NBC stop your bias when reporting on political rallies. Why don’t you show the truth about the crowds at RDP rallies but you clearly show Swapo ones by zooming in so that it looks like there were many people. Are you scared? * WHO exactly determines the time allocated for stories on political rallies at the NBC? Did we have qualified camera personnel at both rallies at Omuthiya? I watch the news on Sunday which was so biased. RDP had different speakers but what they said was not reported on. Yet all speakers at the Swapo rally received coverage. What is the criteria being used? Or does Swapo own the NBC? * PRESIDENT Pohamba must suspend the Namibian Constitution and implement the Swapo Party manifesto and directives, because it is the only party above the law. – Fanyele.* IT is a pity to see politicians such as Jesaya Nyamu, who are against development projects such as the northern railway for cheap political gain. You could imagine what could have happened to this project if Nyamu was the Minister of Works at the time the railway was being constructed with all his hidden agendas.* WHY are Swapo comrades complaining about the new party (RDP)? Was it not for free political activity that we fought? Swapo was harassed and terrorised by the racist apartheid regime. The people of Namibia under the leadership of Swapo fought this regime and won gloriously. Why are some comrades trying to repeat the mistakes of the apartheid regime? The only question they ought to be concerned about is, whether the rules of the constitution were adhered to in the process of registering the new party. The struggle was about political freedom comrades, not about Swapo slipping into the slippers of the previous regime. If we do, comrades, we will unite the democratic forces against us as it happened in the sixties. So, SPYL, wake up and read the writing on the wall. Let’s promote democracy and pluralism, not unilateral political supremacy of one party over others. That is the job of the electorate to determine. Just take the challenge and be better in service delivery, comrades, then the electorate will mandate you to govern. Welcome to the new opposition! * NON-RULING political parties must make practical changes in our country before we vote for them to power. Don’t they realise that Swapo was voted to power for fighting for this country and bringing national reconciliation that opens their mouths wide so that they can insult us? * IS there any provision in the electoral act that deals with the nullification of elections in the event of too low turnout like during the recent Rundu election? How does one expect the less than 20 per cent to manage the constituency? * WHY should Swapo suffer from the fear of unknown. A newborn baby has to cry first as a sign of life. So let RDP cry out to signal to the nation that a new being has been brought to life. Swapo just wear your smile, there is no need to panic. Who knows maybe the newborn baby will be your blessing in future.* SWAPO’S political pettiness has now reached a new low point at Omuthiya. Ithana and Nghimtina’s ‘white lies’ accusations amount to racial incitement! Bereft of ideas, they now expose themselves as intellectually and morally bankrupt. Who are the reactionaries now? Please consult your dictionary on the true meaning of ‘white lies’ please, madam. And beware of what you sow! * WHETHER the RDP will win the next election is not the main issue at stake. More important is that this country will finally have a strong opposition party that can start seriously to challenge Government on many issues for the benefit of all. It is a concern to see how few Namibians actually understand this. – Edwin B Education * I AM a Unam student and I applied for a Government loan last year and want to know whether the Ministry of Education is done or is still busy sending letters of acknowledgement. I did not get any response.* I HAVE reason to believe that fairness does not exist in the various sections in the Ministry of Education. Why does NQA not evaluate Unam’s four-year degrees, while NSFAF wants us to repay their loans with more interest added? We have been in the teaching profession for years as professionally unqualified teachers but our salaries are too low, as NQA does not evaluate our qualifications. – AT Amakali * PLEASE Namibian Government consider the students studying abroad. They are suffering. I am talking about students in Algeria. We, the families have to assist them with everything, even school materials. They went there under a Government scholarship.* JUST admit that the education system has failed. How can you promote children who were supposed to fail and when they reach Grade 10 you kick them out? How do you expect crime to go down, when you are creating criminals out of school leavers.* ONE Africa TV, please air the programme titled ‘Learn with Namcor’. It has really been helpful to me in my studies. Is it possible for one to obtain a copy of those programmes? If so, how can I? Consumer concerns * SHOPRITE Mariental, your service is poor to say the least! Nine pay points but only one available during the busiest periods. Poor planning from supervisors or just plain don’t care attitude for your customers, who have to queue for a long time? You tell us! * DEAR MTC, it’s high time you improve on your service delivery. The network is really annoying on Fridays. MTC you are failing us. – Uutoni * HALLO MTC, as customers we are so worried. We don’t know if we are going forwards or backwards. It seems your network has been particularly busy on weekends since the beginning of 2008. Please help us out otherwise some would consider moving to your rival.From the regions * WE, the people of Etayi constituency suffer a lot during the rainy season, because there is no road to Oshikuku. The oshanas are now full and if you want to go to hospital you have to travel 50 km. Please Minister Kaapanda do something.* IS Keetmanshoop also part and parcel of the decentralisation process? If it is, why not bring the services closer to the people? Bring the finance department of the Ministry of Health and Social Services to its regional office. Please minister, do something as you promised – let it not be empty as in the past.* ONGENGA councillor and also Ohangwena Governor, when will you electrify the Onghala Combined School? Please, please we also need Grade 8, 9 and 10 at this school.* CEO of Ondangwa, can you please tell the residents why Mr Kalundingo and Shaanika are always on leave? They have to give us the green light to build, as they do inspections. Why do I have to wait for someone for the whole month? Please improve your service. We are paying for services, not getting them free. Some of these officers should change their manners. They are rude. Next time I will name them if you do not improve. – Eddy * PLEASE TransNamib, we want a fly-over for the Keetmanshoop railway station. It is the second largest railway station, but without a fly-over. CEO bring the change before someone is killed please.* WE, Omusati residents, appeal to the Minister of Finance to bring Inland Revenue as well as Customs and Excise offices to the region’s capital town, Outapi. We have to walk long distances to Oshakati in Oshana region for these services.* ONGWEDIVA town council can you please tell us how you rate our water bills. We are paying too much for the little water we consume. – Kambodja General * GOVERNMENT must not mind the Namibia Employers’ Federation. Let the new labour law become operational. Our annual and sick leave are not being paid by APS. We don’t want any change to the new labour act as requested by NEF. Many Namibians have worked four to five years as casuals without any benefit under labour-hire companies.* SOCIAL Security Commission please take over the role of BIG. In other countries the SSC takes care of disabled, unemployed or the retired.* POLICE officers need decent accommodation. They live in shacks, in dark corners and live together with their enemies, the criminals, who in any case can hamper their law enforcement responsibilities. Government, please take care of them, for the safety of our nation. – Dr Farman * AT Tsumeb street kids taking refuge in a laundry room at the flats of the mine are scavenging in the dustbins, walking with juice boxes sniffing glue and in a permanent trance, not attending school. We give food and also talk to them, but the best part is, just at the other side of the fence is the office of the social workers. Are these kids not the future of this country? Please Minister Mugunda investigate. I am an orphan too.

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