SMSes of the Day : Friday

SMSes of the Day : Friday

* THE solution is not to allow learners to repeat but to stop them from failing. Redistribute the wealth of the country because children fail due to socio-economic disparities.

* BLAME for the problem of service delivery in the health sector or many other Government sectors must be placed squarely on the shoulders of the political leadership. All of us know that no merit or qualification is used when appointing managers in the public service. One should be politically well connected to become a manager, even if you have no secondary education qualification. * WHY can’t the donors not assess Lironga Eparu based on their success with projects such as the Orange Baby project or Okambilibili. Do the donors realise they are only hurting the HIV affected and infected people of Namibia?Food for thought* THIS whole week the news has been full of stories of stabbing and murders. What’s alarming is that the majority of these cases happened at shebeens or bars. The talk of excessive alcohol abuse, closing of unlicensed shebeens has quietened down. Booze is freely available to minors, or anywhere you go. Shebeen owners cried that it’s their livelihood, but the situation has escalated to epidemic proportions. I urge authorities to clamp down on illegal trade of booze – it’s destroying the youth and families.* IT was very encouraging to hear the voice of the NDF chief, Lieutenant General Martin Shalli, responding to a callers’ queries about alleged mismanagement and tribalism, in the same programme, Chat Show. You have set a personal example of accountability. A leader who is informed and listens to the voices of concern. Keep it up, sir!* WHO can tell what has happened to the CCN and the various desks it used to have to tackle common social evils. Nowadays each church is doing its own thing! In my opinion, individuals, groups and churches [allegedly] get involved in HIV-AIDS campaigns for material and financial benefits only! What is today’s ecumenical agenda?* GENIUS gone to waste. Tony Mbok is a genius. I worked for Mbok for four years. Why is he in jail? Then Hidipo Hamutenya, Sam Nujoma, Andrew Ndishishi, Paulus Kapia, Champion, Ralph Blauuw and others should be arrested for failed business projects. Government talks of local private business initiatives yet doesn’t support young entrepreneurs. Mbok is persecuted while we watch. Who sabotaged Northland City? Who stopped the oasis project?Politics in general* THERE’S nothing good about badmouthing an individual or a certain political party, or trying to talk them down. Downing one another does not build, but rather destroys the nation. We have important issues to debate rather than wasting our valuable time defaming each other.* THE colonial forces controlled the people of Caprivi by manipulating both the Mafwes and the Masubia. Mishack Muyongo, a Mafwe, mobilised fellow Caprivians not to consider tribal origin and marched with them into exile to join Swapo forces and together we won. Why all this tribal tension that is so rife today. Political parties in the region are now playing a tribal game pitting brothers against each other in this once peaceful region.* THE Swapo-run Government shows tendencies of tribalism. Flood victims in the North get help at the snap of a finger. What about Dolam and Mariental floods or is it because they [those victims] do not belong to a particular tribe. – GB UukuramaEducation* ALLOWING Grade 10s to repeat is only a temporary fix aimed at influencing the elections next year. How are the educators suppose to help these kids a second time around, when there are not enough classrooms? We need long-term solutions please.* IT’S a known fact that for some time we’ve been pressurising schools and the Minister of Education to allow back Grade 10 failures. But to succumb to pressure without proper planning in place and the mobilisation of resources will just create chaos. Schools are already strained with meagre budgets, limited resources and space. Did the authorities think before taking the decision and shooting themselves in the foot in the process. This decision, however noble, will definitely come back to haunt them.* SHAME on the principals, inspectors and everyone else, who are doubting the minister’s decision to allow Grade 10 failures back and give them another chance. It was a national outcry. Strategise and make it possible even if it means implementing the platoon system at your schools. Think out of the box for now!* SORRY, the Grade 10 and 12 results have nothing to do with appointments or promotion posts. Private schools kept the results of Erongo Region high. Herman Gmeiner’s principal post is a very good example. School board informed the PS about this. Inspector’s decision and choice remained final. People are appointed even without applying.* BETD graduates suffer for years after completing their programme before they get a job. Why can’t they be given an opportunity to teach at Namcol to replace teachers, who teach normal morning sessions more especially for Grade 10.Education* I THINK the Ministry of Education should promote learners with 20 points and more to Grade 11 with the rest repeating Grade 10, because the majority of learners who gave failed have achieved 20 points. I believe classes for Grade 11 can accommodate these learners. In this way we will avoid overcrowded Grade 10 classes.* THE Ministry of Education made mistakes just after Independence by quickly switching from the Cape Education to Cambridge while all teaching personnel were trained in the Cape system. The BETD in-service programme was not closely monitored, resulting in producing papers to keep teachers on the pay roll permanently while they (BETD in-service teachers) find it difficult to meet the Ministry’s expectations. Now the colleges of education keep on training teachers in fields that are not a priority. For example, the Caprivi College of Education still trains lower primary teachers while the region cannot employ them making it difficult for these graduates to get jobs. Why don’t we start producing what we need and stop solving other countries’ employment crises. – Tembwe* IF the Swapo-led Government has decided to implement afternoon classes for the Grade 10 repeaters they should also start collecting money to pay teachers for teaching extra classes if not, then the SPYL should be prepared to teach those learners.* I AM a concerned parent who has a child at the DSO school in Otjiwarongo. A female teacher at that school [allegedly] insults and uses improper language towards our kids. Now our children have learned to insult us as parents using the improper language used by this teacher. I hope that the headmaster takes this issue into consideration* AT least pupils are allowed to repeat Grade 10 BUT will teachers’ salaries go up. If this is not the case, forget about teaching we are tired of being cheated.* MINISTRY of Education, stop talking and do the right thing. Employ the teachers who apply for existing vacancies, instead of overburdening the teachers – or is there someone sabotaging the Government’s effort to create employment. Come on GRN, wake up and do something, people with qualifications are on the street.* GRN is giving loans to students at vocational centres, but there is no control on how the money is spent. All the Government is interested in is to get its money back. They are even demanding payment for the one year I have been on job attachment. NIMT does want to give us a detailed breakdown of our accounts so that we can double check before they bill the Government.* IT’S true that Oshigambo High School results were mixed up with Otjikoto SSS results. Most of the OHS students did well. OHS, keep it up.* WHEN are we, the newly trained teachers for the 8-10 phase, going to get jobs if principals only want 8-12 teachers? Minister, we are coming to your office soon!* WHY is the Government allowing IOL to introduce new courses. We the teachers have a lot of unsolved problems with them. They just promise to come back to us and they never do it.* SHAME on you Unam! When are you going to upgrade your Centre for External
Studies (CES)? How long will you take before one can study most sought after undergraduate degree courses e.g. LLB, B.Acc. , B.Cur. , B.Th. , B.Sc. and eventually post graduate degrees through CES? Shall we forever be at the mercy of expensive, incompetent UNISA? With this I challenge Unam and the Government! I graduated from Unam ten years ago!From the regions* MS Kufu, if you cannot lead, let others take over. I am a resident of Oshali village in Omulonga constituency in the Ohangwena Region and worried about our health. We drink water from boreholes and wells that in most instances is not fit for human consumption, yet we are told that we don’t have water shortages at Oshali. Pipelines are already constructed and one wonders when they are going to be opened. Mr Nghaamua, please intervene because people are dying from drinking this water.- Meke* THE road between Rundu and Nkurenkuru is a death trap waiting to kill people travelling on it. Please start the tarring project before our cars are destroyed by the road. It’s the worst road in the country.* CAN the Outjo municipality explain why our water bills have suddenly become so high. There is a sudden increase in our bills. If they have increased the water charges then we were not informed. Outjo is one of the fortunate towns that doesn’t buy water from NamWater. The town has its own water, so I don’t understand why we have to pay so much. During the colonial time, water was the cheapest at Outjo. It seems whenever us black people take over service-providing institutions they either become expensive, corrupt or the service becomes poor.* GOVERNOR of the Otjozondjupa Region, please give the councillor for Tsumkwe a job description because he has lost direction. How can he fight for unqualified Grade 12 and 10 failures to continue teaching at Tsumkwe JS, while BETD graduates are on the street. Please education director, do something. It would appear that the councillor is out to please individuals and not the community at large.* CAN the Minister of Works tells us when the Linyanti to Kongola road is going to be tarred? Do not forget that part of our youth was spent in the bushes of Angola and Zambia fighting and our parents were killed, but what is Caprivi getting in return. Please think of us too.* I AM a resident of Ondangwa town and it frustrates me that it takes ages long to reach places in the surroundings because of the poor road infrastructure. I want to know what the town council’s duties are if not to provide good quality service.General* ‘LOCAL is lekker’ – OK. This imperialist lackey drives an Uri. And you, comrade Nekundi?* FOR once the SPYL came up with a good idea – buy Namibian, when possible from recycled plastic goods to toilet paper. The SMEs engaged in manufacturing have invested a lot of money and work, all for nothing if they don’t get customers. Don’t forget Namibian milk products, meat and, uh, yes, beer.* AFTER almost 18 years of Independence, there are still some whites who are bitter and angry and filled with hatred against blacks. We bought a house in Pioniers Park about nine years ago. The first week after we moved in, objects were thrown at our house every evening. Not being able to determine from which house it came, we ignored it. Some of our neighbours are calling our kids monkeys and ka**ers. Our kids have no freedom to move in their own territory. When we shared our experience with our neighbours, they told us the same happens to them. Another resident mentioned that his intercom apparatus was pulled out of the wall. Last year our neighbour’s glass door was maliciously smashed. A few months later a group of white boys driving a blue Polo came and shot at our sliding door with a slingshot. Three weeks ago, after three months, the same car with a group of white boys came again and did the same. This time around we manage to get info that can lead to their arrest. One of them lives in Hochlandpark. Don’t we have the right to stay where we want?* I BELIEVE there’s an emergency committee in place for cases like floods. Do they ever keep updates on flood or rain conditions in our neighbouring countries or have they been sleeping on their laurels again? Dams are overflowing in Zambia, floodgates will soon be opened, more rains are expected. For sure the Caprivi will be under water soon. Are we prepared for these eventualities?* I APPEAL to the Government to increase the salaries of civil servants because the prices of all commodities in the country are going up. Our salaries are no longer enough for our monthly expenses, even the home loans we qualified for are insufficient to buy a house. I also would like to remind Napwu that we contribute 1% of our salaries to its coffers, but we don’t get any privileges from them. They should remember they are employees’ representatives not Government.* DEAR SMS writer, prisoners are not where they are because they are angels. If they are given pangas to clear the reeds in the Fish River, don’t you think the warders’ lives will be in danger? What about the NDF?* THE latest spate of killings amongst family members makes me, as a believer, wonder whether it’s the end of times. The book of Revelations talks about these things. Repent Namibia, the end of times is near.* ARE the GRN cars bought for the Ministry of Labour meant for official purpose or for the chief transport officer only? And why are they serviced at one particular garage only!* DEAR sms writer, the Windhoek Central prison is what it’s supposed to be, a rehabilitation centre, not a torture chamber. Two men, wrongly accused of rape, lost months of their lives before being vindicated. They could have missed their entire youth. Imagine if it were you?* President Hifikepunye Pohamba, the electorate respectfully requests you to summarily dismiss Evilastus Kaaronda from the Swapo Party for his disgraceful public racist behaviour to which he admitted. I predict today that if Swapo fails to fire Kaaronda from the party for this racist remark, we will lose thousands of votes to the benefit of the RDP. Is it not time to act against this arrogant man who has become a Swapo Party embarrassmentConsumer concerns* ALL Woermann Brock branches in Katutura are filthy and disorganised.* KATUTURA milk sellers, please! we want to buy full cream milk not ‘full water’ milk. We also suffer to get money. Stop mixing milk with water, while you keep the full cream milk in your freezer. – Wienie Tjimune* TO Ekonolux owner, Jac de Klerk, who is challenging complaining clients by taking legal action against them: I will never never board one of your buses again, not because they are not good enough, but because of the manner in which you are handling the situation.* JAC de Klerk great publicity for EKONOLUX! You deliver your customers five hours late and then threaten them with legal action because they dare to complain. Congratulations once again!* MTC staff, please wake up and tell your clients what documents you need from them when applying for a cellphone contract, so you don’t have to phone them a day later and tell them there are still documents outstanding.* THE fitting rooms of Fashion World shops are a disaster, very dirty, no doors only a curtain. Please management shop look into this matter urgently?* WHY can’t the donors not assess Lironga Eparu based on their success with projects such as the Orange Baby project or Okambilibili. Do the donors realise they are only hurting the HIV affected and infected people of Namibia? Food for thought * THIS whole week the news has been full of stories of stabbing and murders. What’s alarming is that the majority of these cases happened at shebeens or bars. The talk of excessive alcohol abuse, closing of unlicensed shebeens has quietened down. Booze is freely available to minors, or anywhere you go. Shebeen owners cried that it’s their livelihood, but the situation has escalated to epidemic proportions. I urge authorities to clamp down on illegal trade of booze – it’s destroying the youth and families.* IT was very encouraging to hear the voice of the NDF chief, Lieutenant General Martin Shalli, responding to a callers’ queries about alleged
mismanagement and tribalism, in the same programme, Chat Show. You have set a personal example of accountability. A leader who is informed and listens to the voices of concern. Keep it up, sir! * WHO can tell what has happened to the CCN and the various desks it used to have to tackle common social evils. Nowadays each church is doing its own thing! In my opinion, individuals, groups and churches [allegedly] get involved in HIV-AIDS campaigns for material and financial benefits only! What is today’s ecumenical agenda? * GENIUS gone to waste. Tony Mbok is a genius. I worked for Mbok for four years. Why is he in jail? Then Hidipo Hamutenya, Sam Nujoma, Andrew Ndishishi, Paulus Kapia, Champion, Ralph Blauuw and others should be arrested for failed business projects. Government talks of local private business initiatives yet doesn’t support young entrepreneurs. Mbok is persecuted while we watch. Who sabotaged Northland City? Who stopped the oasis project? Politics in general * THERE’S nothing good about badmouthing an individual or a certain political party, or trying to talk them down. Downing one another does not build, but rather destroys the nation. We have important issues to debate rather than wasting our valuable time defaming each other.* THE colonial forces controlled the people of Caprivi by manipulating both the Mafwes and the Masubia. Mishack Muyongo, a Mafwe, mobilised fellow Caprivians not to consider tribal origin and marched with them into exile to join Swapo forces and together we won. Why all this tribal tension that is so rife today. Political parties in the region are now playing a tribal game pitting brothers against each other in this once peaceful region.* THE Swapo-run Government shows tendencies of tribalism. Flood victims in the North get help at the snap of a finger. What about Dolam and Mariental floods or is it because they [those victims] do not belong to a particular tribe. – GB Uukurama Education * ALLOWING Grade 10s to repeat is only a temporary fix aimed at influencing the elections next year. How are the educators suppose to help these kids a second time around, when there are not enough classrooms? We need long-term solutions please.* IT’S a known fact that for some time we’ve been pressurising schools and the Minister of Education to allow back Grade 10 failures. But to succumb to pressure without proper planning in place and the mobilisation of resources will just create chaos. Schools are already strained with meagre budgets, limited resources and space. Did the authorities think before taking the decision and shooting themselves in the foot in the process. This decision, however noble, will definitely come back to haunt them.* SHAME on the principals, inspectors and everyone else, who are doubting the minister’s decision to allow Grade 10 failures back and give them another chance. It was a national outcry. Strategise and make it possible even if it means implementing the platoon system at your schools. Think out of the box for now! * SORRY, the Grade 10 and 12 results have nothing to do with appointments or promotion posts. Private schools kept the results of Erongo Region high. Herman Gmeiner’s principal post is a very good example. School board informed the PS about this. Inspector’s decision and choice remained final. People are appointed even without applying.* BETD graduates suffer for years after completing their programme before they get a job. Why can’t they be given an opportunity to teach at Namcol to replace teachers, who teach normal morning sessions more especially for Grade 10.Education * I THINK the Ministry of Education should promote learners with 20 points and more to Grade 11 with the rest repeating Grade 10, because the majority of learners who gave failed have achieved 20 points. I believe classes for Grade 11 can accommodate these learners. In this way we will avoid overcrowded Grade 10 classes.* THE Ministry of Education made mistakes just after Independence by quickly switching from the Cape Education to Cambridge while all teaching personnel were trained in the Cape system. The BETD in-service programme was not closely monitored, resulting in producing papers to keep teachers on the pay roll permanently while they (BETD in-service teachers) find it difficult to meet the Ministry’s expectations. Now the colleges of education keep on training teachers in fields that are not a priority. For example, the Caprivi College of Education still trains lower primary teachers while the region cannot employ them making it difficult for these graduates to get jobs. Why don’t we start producing what we need and stop solving other countries’ employment crises. – Tembwe * IF the Swapo-led Government has decided to implement afternoon classes for the Grade 10 repeaters they should also start collecting money to pay teachers for teaching extra classes if not, then the SPYL should be prepared to teach those learners.* I AM a concerned parent who has a child at the DSO school in Otjiwarongo. A female teacher at that school [allegedly] insults and uses improper language towards our kids. Now our children have learned to insult us as parents using the improper language used by this teacher. I hope that the headmaster takes this issue into consideration * AT least pupils are allowed to repeat Grade 10 BUT will teachers’ salaries go up. If this is not the case, forget about teaching we are tired of being cheated.* MINISTRY of Education, stop talking and do the right thing. Employ the teachers who apply for existing vacancies, instead of overburdening the teachers – or is there someone sabotaging the Government’s effort to create employment. Come on GRN, wake up and do something, people with qualifications are on the street.* GRN is giving loans to students at vocational centres, but there is no control on how the money is spent. All the Government is interested in is to get its money back. They are even demanding payment for the one year I have been on job attachment. NIMT does want to give us a detailed breakdown of our accounts so that we can double check before they bill the Government.* IT’S true that Oshigambo High School results were mixed up with Otjikoto SSS results. Most of the OHS students did well. OHS, keep it up.* WHEN are we, the newly trained teachers for the 8-10 phase, going to get jobs if principals only want 8-12 teachers? Minister, we are coming to your office soon! * WHY is the Government allowing IOL to introduce new courses. We the teachers have a lot of unsolved problems with them. They just promise to come back to us and they never do it.* SHAME on you Unam! When are you going to upgrade your Centre for External Studies (CES)? How long will you take before one can study most sought after undergraduate degree courses e.g. LLB, B.Acc. , B.Cur. , B.Th. , B.Sc. and eventually post graduate degrees through CES? Shall we forever be at the mercy of expensive, incompetent UNISA? With this I challenge Unam and the Government! I graduated from Unam ten years ago! From the regions * MS Kufu, if you cannot lead, let others take over. I am a resident of Oshali village in Omulonga constituency in the Ohangwena Region and worried about our health. We drink water from boreholes and wells that in most instances is not fit for human consumption, yet we are told that we don’t have water shortages at Oshali. Pipelines are already constructed and one wonders when they are going to be opened. Mr Nghaamua, please intervene because people are dying from drinking this water.- Meke * THE road between Rundu and Nkurenkuru is a death trap waiting to kill people travelling on it. Please start the tarring project before our cars are destroyed by the road. It’s the worst road in the country.* CAN the Outjo municipality explain why our water bills have suddenly become so high. There is a sudden increase in our bills. If they have increased the water charges then we were not informed. Outjo is one of the fortunate towns that doesn’t buy water from NamWater. The town has its own water, so I don’t understand why we have to pay so much. During the colonial time, water was the cheapest at Outjo. It seems whene
ver us black people take over service-providing institutions they either become expensive, corrupt or the service becomes poor.* GOVERNOR of the Otjozondjupa Region, please give the councillor for Tsumkwe a job description because he has lost direction. How can he fight for unqualified Grade 12 and 10 failures to continue teaching at Tsumkwe JS, while BETD graduates are on the street. Please education director, do something. It would appear that the councillor is out to please individuals and not the community at large.* CAN the Minister of Works tells us when the Linyanti to Kongola road is going to be tarred? Do not forget that part of our youth was spent in the bushes of Angola and Zambia fighting and our parents were killed, but what is Caprivi getting in return. Please think of us too.* I AM a resident of Ondangwa town and it frustrates me that it takes ages long to reach places in the surroundings because of the poor road infrastructure. I want to know what the town council’s duties are if not to provide good quality service.General * ‘LOCAL is lekker’ – OK. This imperialist lackey drives an Uri. And you, comrade Nekundi? * FOR once the SPYL came up with a good idea – buy Namibian, when possible from recycled plastic goods to toilet paper. The SMEs engaged in manufacturing have invested a lot of money and work, all for nothing if they don’t get customers. Don’t forget Namibian milk products, meat and, uh, yes, beer.* AFTER almost 18 years of Independence, there are still some whites who are bitter and angry and filled with hatred against blacks. We bought a house in Pioniers Park about nine years ago. The first week after we moved in, objects were thrown at our house every evening. Not being able to determine from which house it came, we ignored it. Some of our neighbours are calling our kids monkeys and ka**ers. Our kids have no freedom to move in their own territory. When we shared our experience with our neighbours, they told us the same happens to them. Another resident mentioned that his intercom apparatus was pulled out of the wall. Last year our neighbour’s glass door was maliciously smashed. A few months later a group of white boys driving a blue Polo came and shot at our sliding door with a slingshot. Three weeks ago, after three months, the same car with a group of white boys came again and did the same. This time around we manage to get info that can lead to their arrest. One of them lives in Hochlandpark. Don’t we have the right to stay where we want? * I BELIEVE there’s an emergency committee in place for cases like floods. Do they ever keep updates on flood or rain conditions in our neighbouring countries or have they been sleeping on their laurels again? Dams are overflowing in Zambia, floodgates will soon be opened, more rains are expected. For sure the Caprivi will be under water soon. Are we prepared for these eventualities? * I APPEAL to the Government to increase the salaries of civil servants because the prices of all commodities in the country are going up. Our salaries are no longer enough for our monthly expenses, even the home loans we qualified for are insufficient to buy a house. I also would like to remind Napwu that we contribute 1% of our salaries to its coffers, but we don’t get any privileges from them. They should remember they are employees’ representatives not Government.* DEAR SMS writer, prisoners are not where they are because they are angels. If they are given pangas to clear the reeds in the Fish River, don’t you think the warders’ lives will be in danger? What about the NDF? * THE latest spate of killings amongst family members makes me, as a believer, wonder whether it’s the end of times. The book of Revelations talks about these things. Repent Namibia, the end of times is near.* ARE the GRN cars bought for the Ministry of Labour meant for official purpose or for the chief transport officer only? And why are they serviced at one particular garage only! * DEAR sms writer, the Windhoek Central prison is what it’s supposed to be, a rehabilitation centre, not a torture chamber. Two men, wrongly accused of rape, lost months of their lives before being vindicated. They could have missed their entire youth. Imagine if it were you? * President Hifikepunye Pohamba, the electorate respectfully requests you to summarily dismiss Evilastus Kaaronda from the Swapo Party for his disgraceful public racist behaviour to which he admitted. I predict today that if Swapo fails to fire Kaaronda from the party for this racist remark, we will lose thousands of votes to the benefit of the RDP. Is it not time to act against this arrogant man who has become a Swapo Party embarrassment Consumer concerns * ALL Woermann Brock branches in Katutura are filthy and disorganised.* KATUTURA milk sellers, please! we want to buy full cream milk not ‘full water’ milk. We also suffer to get money. Stop mixing milk with water, while you keep the full cream milk in your freezer. – Wienie Tjimune * TO Ekonolux owner, Jac de Klerk, who is challenging complaining clients by taking legal action against them: I will never never board one of your buses again, not because they are not good enough, but because of the manner in which you are handling the situation.* JAC de Klerk great publicity for EKONOLUX! You deliver your customers five hours late and then threaten them with legal action because they dare to complain. Congratulations once again! * MTC staff, please wake up and tell your clients what documents you need from them when applying for a cellphone contract, so you don’t have to phone them a day later and tell them there are still documents outstanding.* THE fitting rooms of Fashion World shops are a disaster, very dirty, no doors only a curtain. Please management shop look into this matter urgently?

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