* MAYBE I’m not alone in misunderstanding the word ‘Democracy’. I need someone to give me an explanation on what is the meaning of the word democratic. Because it is causing much confusion among our leaders, especially Swapo leaders.
* MAYBE I’m not alone in misunderstanding the word ‘Democracy’. I need someone to give me an explanation on what is the meaning of the word democratic. Because it is causing much confusion among our leaders, especially Swapo leaders. What is the use of preventing other political parties from holding meetings? Suspending people if they belong to RDP? Are you also going to avoid them during the election for voting for their parties they wish to? People, let’s sort out what needs to be sorted out. – Padelia N Mupaya, Walvis Bay
Food For Thought
* IT is a national disgrace for the President to have to scramble for honour and dignity on any platform because of the unethical talk [by some in his party] before election campaigns. He is the Head of State and deserves the respect due to this office. A single political party cannot belittle or destroy a national icon for personal preferences. It is irresponsible and highly unpatriotic. Remember, he is the President of all, including opposition parties and those who couldn’t vote. We need him to be focused on the crises that befall us and we, the people, will decide our leaders, later. President should be President. Lead the Good, the Devil always follows. – Electech
Message Of Condolence
* MY heart goes out to Mr [Morgan] Tsvangirai after losing his wife. May God give him strength to continue, for the people of Zimbabwe need him.
* I WOULD like to take this opportunity to salute His Excellency, The President for coming out strongly against what one can call a cancer that is slowly killing our party. The time has come for those of us who have been silent for all these years to speak out and rescue the party and the country from the so-called immune species, that are causing more harm than good. We cannot have a situation were the youth attack our fathers for their own agendas and when the opposition does the same, bring fellow confused youth from wherever (South Africa) to call them cockroaches that should be wiped out. We want the SPYL to come up with an appraisal outlining their achievements against their goals and if there is no relationship they must follow the very ministers which they want to be fired. The mandate of the SPYL should be to shape this country for the future generations, assist and advise elders where you can while learning from them not attack them in public. The days of plotting to overthrow leaderships are over, capitalise on your positions get bursaries go study and prepare yourselves for the better future for the youth. Thank you Mr President once again for your boldness, we support you 100%.
* NAMIBIA is the Land of the Brave. Viva President Pohamba for bravely tackling the unbecoming behaviour of the (Johnny latecomers) unruly party members.
* HIS Excellency Mr Hifikepunye Pohamba must stand for a second term. Swapo and His Excellency should seriously revisit its priorities of excellent governance and fair distribution of essential resources to all Namibians. – A Concerned Namibian
* MR President Sir, you got my backing in bringing to order to the SPYL and NUNW. Well done, about time. Proud of you, sir. You’re my man! Please sir next time don’t forget your sjambok at home. Thanks. – JD.
* AFRICANS I feel pity for those who forget their backgrounds to respect elders. Comrade President take action against those don’t want to listen. It’s why we elected you. We still need you for the next term. – Horongo
* THERE is one critical criteria left out from the NBC DG position namely: a Swapo Youth League approved party loyalist. Elections are around the corner. – Lou
* HONOURABLE Hidipo Hamutenya, for over 15 years it did not bother you that ballot papers were printed by Swapo-owned Namprint. Now that you are on the other side, you realise that is not fair and transparent. What hypocrisy!
* HAD President Hifikepunye Pohamba been speaking strongly in defence of the law and ordinary people, I would have long admired him. But still I salute him for telling us where the disunity is. Most of our leaders seem to be energetic in defending their political seats only. That is hypocrisy of the highest order! If your term in office has come to an end, please, be prepared to pack and go, no matter who you are.
* WE are going to vote in a couple of months. Could we have clarity on a few issues that affect our daily lives. Is a councillor serving the public or is s/he in council ‘to toe the party line’. Please do not smother democracy so ruthlessly. – Waltraut
Running The Show
* THE FALCON 7x jet is a new generation jet by Dassault. It is time that the current Falcon is replaced. Our VIPs will be able to travel direct to their destination and in comfort. Let our President travel in style and comfort. Next time they must purchase a BBJ.
Tuned Out
* ‘OVER our dead bodies’ – The Namibian. Now that’s the spirit we need in the Land of the Brave. Keep it up! – Six Mokhatu
* CAN Mr Andrew Kanime, Acting Director General of NBC, tell this nation as to how long it will take him to reinstate the Chat Show programme?
* WHY can’t the private radio stations take advantage and start hosting the Chat Show? That beats the ban?
* THERE is a difference between constructive criticism of public office bearers and instigating hate and tribalism amongst the nation. The latter could comprise peace and unity. Freedom of speech must be exercised responsibly. I fully support the decision of the NBC management to suspend the National Chat Show.
Bouquets And Brickbats
* WHY is One Africa’s logo on the TV page of Friday’s paper when its programme isn’t listed (same was true last week)? and what happened to the movie guide? If you can’t include these regular features, then at least put a notice saying so! Or must readers futilely flick through the pages, looking in vain for the info? – We apologise. The One Africa information had not reached us by the time of going to press, nor had the advertising material about the movies. – Newsdesk
* THE SMS platform is only there to criticise. I sent two educative SMSes but they where never printed. This also won’t be printed.
Signs of the Times
* CONCERNING the new commercial street signs, I think Windhoek is getting uglier by the day! – Vera
* WHAT is the purpose of the Social Security Commission? Can they not assist people who are in need of funds for an operation or to assist people with paying their medical bills for those who cannot afford to? What are they doing with the surplus funds?
* DEAR Mr Minister of Transport. It is the unskilled pilots and technicians that crash their little planes into our houses, not international carriers. Mind you, you have a point. Before a Boeing lands on my porch, do something about the lack of aviation skills in our country!
ACC Alert
* BEWARE! More investigation still needs to be done at Natis. The [alleged] selling of learner’s and driver’s licences is still going on. – David
Health Matters
* MoHSS, Katutura Hospital does not have wheelchairs. Rubbish is lying around uncollected. The porters are just sitting around. Wards are dirty. Where is all the taxpayers’ and donor funds going?
In And From the Regions
* ALMOST all major urban centres in the North are built adjacent to former SA army bases, while informal settlements were residential areas for those of us who could not stay or visit our villages for fear of having our throats cut since we served the then enemy. Army bases had high sandbanks while urban areas were built on raised sand platforms to keep floodwaters away. The earth on which these towns are built has since sunk low. Those of us who came from exile built in oshanas and multiplied the sprawling growth points along the roads. The North needs to be redeveloped for the sake of nature preservation, secure land tenure and improved organic subsistence farming methods.
* RIVERS in Rundu please it is a crime to fail to stop at a stop sign. The crossroad from town to the post office is avoided by most drivers. Traffic officers just be on the look-out you will arrest many. Some highly ranked people in the same town bring a bad example to young people. Find places to stop your cars, why chat on the road ignoring other road users? Shame on you.
Labour Issues
* CAN the Natau branch in Oshakati do something about this security company. We are tired of N$1,90 per hour.
* MINISTER of Mines, we are suffering here at Purity Manganese Mine. We are living in tents on the mine and are exposed to a lot of dust and harmful chemicals. There are also no safety regulations in place.
* WHAT is going on with LLD Diamonds? They have retrenched almost 100 employees but do not want to pay us our money. We are still waiting our money but every day they say wait. We want our money for our leave which they do not want to pay also. GRN, MUN and the Ministry of Labour help us.
* GIANT Rio Tinto Rössing Uranium: Please give us our Pension Fund Surplus.
Service Please
* I HAVE a concern about the toilets at Rhino Park. We as customers waiting for the buses have to pay a $1 for the use of the toilets but there is no privacy and both men and women use the same toilet. The guy with the key is not very polite. Please do something about it we are regular customers.
* SERVICE sucks! MTC and FNB’s cellphone banking is useless, balance inquiries come after three days but MTC deducts the money immediately. GTV does not care about Namibian customers, channels are removed without prior notice. It’s all about the money.
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