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SMSes for Monday 16 July 2012

SMSes for Monday 16 July 2012

SMS Of The Day
*IF the Ministry of Lands, by law, cannot remove illegal fences – who will?

Food for Thought*NATIS. You can solve the problems with the learner’s licences. Take appointments (like a doctor). Put a book at the cashier. If a person books, he pays, gets a receipt and knows exactly when he must attend. Now kids are sleeping at NaTIS and getting robbed. Please do something?Bouquets and Brickbats*THANK you Lieutenant General Sebastian Ndeitunga for your vision and courage regarding shebeens. We need more people with your wisdom. Windhoek is out of control and 1 000 lost votes is nothing compared to the general welfare of society and multitudes of children negatively impacted daily by these so-called ‘businesses’. Is alcohol the only commodity that sells?*I WOULD just like to commend the Firearms Registry at NamPol for their prompt service in issuing gun licences. WO Wollman and her team are doing excellent work. Much appreciated.*THANK you City of Windhoek for painting the lanes in Werner List Street. Can you please explain to the taxi drivers that ‘no taxis’ means exactly that!*BRAVO to the Anti-Corruption Commission for exposing yet another fraud case. I had never heard about civil servant Mikael Tuwilika until now. By now I should be used to this. Is there anyone that we can still trust? How many are still out there? I think Namibia is probably the most ‘developed’ developing country if one thinks of all these millions that disappear in one fraud case after the other. A special thanks to The Namibian for keeping us up to date with the latest corruption issues. Fortunately the arm of the law is very long.*’POST Scriptum’ July 13: Agree 100 per cent! In order to progress as a country and a people the final paragraph sums it all up.*NOT impressed by the attire to be worn by our Namibian Olympic team. The dull colours do not portray the spirit of enthusiasm, liveliness and sportsmanship in our aspiring athletes. Namibia is a rainbow country, let our team be viewed with the rest of the world by wearing vibrant outfits. Something cultural or resembling our various sport codes to expose Namibia’s uniqueness.*MINISTRY of Finance please! The public sector is aware that there is chaos in your esteemed halls but to send out PAYE remittance forms printed April 2013 in June 2012?A Place to Call Home*WHAT is happening to property prices in Windhoek? Shacks are being sold in the upper $2 mil range in Klein Windhoek, Eros and Ludwigsdorf, ‘because you pay for the area, not the house’.Law and Order*COMMISSIONER it would be good if you also take action against these so-called spiritual healers. Not a Drop to Drink*COMMISSIONER Shilongo. You are very brave. We need leaders like you who do not compromise on the truth and justice. The truth hurts, but it sets free. Let us work on the root causes of all the social problems we are facing in Namibia and see if we will change or remain the same. Politicians please stop mixing politics with the law in the land. If citizens threaten to keep their votes, let it be as long as you are healthy and responsible citizens. *COMMISSIONER Shilongo have you thought twice about what you are doing? You already know that this country cannot or will never be able to provide jobs for everyone.*I SUPPORT Commander Shilongo. Alcohol benefits only owners of shebeens and their families while thousands of children go hungry because fathers blow their income on alcohol.*COMMISSIONER Shilongo indicated that he would never have mercy on unlicensed alcohol traders. During his shebeen closings, he fined a woman N$4 000 who was apparently selling tombo. Will this policeman be able to testify and provide proof, if challenged in court, under which code tombo is classified as alcohol and the volume of alcohol in tombo as per scientific classification. Is this act and fine intra vires?*WELL done Commissioner Shilongo! Enforce and uphold the laws of the country in Khomas and it will eventually overflow to all the regions and our country will be the safest place to stay on earth. Namibians understand that alcohol and drug abuse are the major contributing factors to all evil and bad things like crime, rape,violences road accidents, unsafe sex, which leads to the increased prevalence of HIV-AIDS, and unwanted pregnancies. Namibians learn and know your laws and adhere to them. May the Almighty God bless our beautiful nation!
*COMMISSIONER Festus Shilongo is a real cop. I respect him because he respects the law. He must go to all regions to enforce the law. I salute you.*HATS off to Commissioner Festus Shilongo. You have my 100 per cent backing as long you are going to secure Khomas Region. No sacred cows in your duty and when review your first 12 months, there should be no excuses as you rightly gave your targets on national TV.*I WANT to thank Commissioner Shilongo for stopping illegal shebeens. Because it is not only selling liquor that can put food on the table. They can sell items other than liquor. Those illegal shebeens are also taking food off other people’s tables. Because the buyers waste their money after they consume a lot of alcohol. When they go home, there is no food for their kids. Children of the Struggle*I FAIL fail somehow to understand struggle kids. Please help me to understand. How old were these kids at Independence ? Did they have an opportunity to attend or enrol for schooling? How far did they go or did they drop out? If they dropped out, what was the cause – war or financial difficulties. If some were orphaned, were they assisted? I am sure they are no longer ‘kids’ and are mature enough to take care of themselves and should not blame the struggle for Independence for their failure.Education*I WOULD like to know which criteria the Ministry of Education uses when there is a tender out for the delivery of textbooks which was open to the public? Only the same people get it every year. When are you going to empower our women and upcoming small and medium-sized enterprises if we don’t give them a chance?Health Matters*PLEASE Pick ‘n Pay, Shoprite, Checkers, Woermann Brock and all other takeaways in Namibia, consider your customers. Just because we buy your food doesn’t mean we want to raise the cholesterol in our bodies. Please reduce the fat/oil in your food!*DOES Unam not pay their employers if they get an injury on duty? I fell and broke my hip and I cannot do heavy duty any longer only light duty. I came home and cannot do anything here. Please help me.Labour Issues*MINISTRY of Education- Finance when are you going to pay us? We started working in March/April but until now have received nothing. We are not working for charity!*SOME adverts demand fluency in both English and Afrikaans; is this fair? It’s clearly disadvantageous to those that can’t speak Afrikaans. Why do we have English as a medium of instruction in this country if we’re still discriminated or divided by language? If it’s because the majority of customers speak Afrikaans; does it mean the speakers of Afrikaans can’t speak English or what. I’m not against any Afrikaans speaker whatsoever, I’m concerned about ‘equality’ in all aspects language in this case. This only makes sense in some professions and should apply as so.- David, OndobePlease Help*’FROM dung to cooking gas and free fertiliser’, The Namibian 12 July 2012. Can the American Peace Corps volunteers also assist us rural farmers to build these gas plants? Mungunda 081-148-1115.*OUR Constitution made provision for freedom of religion, but still we find ourselves in situations where churches are not allowing us to marry people we love from certain churches. They refuse to give a letter to a church member to go and marry. If I find myself in such a situation, what should I do?Lost and Found*I AM Lauha N N Kaudinge lost my wallet in Rundu with my ID and important documents in it. If found please contact 081-666-7856 or 081-454-2873.*I RAUNA N Ndakolute lost my handbag with important documents in Windhoek. If found please contact 081-846-0702.*I FRANS K Morkel lost a black wallet with an ID and documents in a taxi in Windhoek. If found please call me on this number 081-499-4769.*MY name is Philomena Nkungano Mabuku. I lost my red wallet with my ID and other cards. If anyone come across it please call or text me on 081-269-7762.*I SESILIA N Shilongo lost my ID in Ondangwa last month. If someone finds it please contact 081-610-0422/081-691-1610.*MY name is Erastus Shikodhi. I lost my passport between Oshakati and Ongwediva. If found please contact 081-311-4168.Responses to recent SMSes*PLEASE don’t exempt REDs from tax, do away with them!

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