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SMSes for Monday 02 April 2012

SMSes for Monday 02 April 2012

SMS Of The Day
*NAMPOWER again recorded profits. The consumer has to pay huge increases for them to brag with the 57% increase in profit. How does the Electricity Control Board agree to such increases?

Food for Thought*IS it a case of many to be served and few to serve of what? The question is about some individuals serving in many sectors at once. In one the person is a board member; in another a CEO; and in a third something else. If all sectors were successful, no one would have a problem. However, most sectors are being bailed out by Government. On what basis do we then appoint them and why do they accept every offer? Are they greedy?*CAN’T we invite comrade Ben Ulenga as a guest speaker to address the workers on May 1?*MINISTRY of Agriculture’s Mr Uugwanga’s ignorance of the advantage of conservation tillage (CT) applied in large scale production projects like the green schemes in the north is shocking to say the least. CT increases yields and saves on irrigation water. Internationally, like in Brazil, CT is applied in the large production units because of those very reasons. And to save the soils from degradation and erosion. Please sir, get yourself updated on contemporary conservation farming methodologies.Bouquets and Brickbats*CAN The Namibian publicise the names of all the top officials with good paying jobs who received the N$50 000 veterans money. Why? I just want to see who the greedy people are. Also is it possible for us to know those who refused to apply because ethically they felt it was wrong. Why? Because I want to salute them, they are the true heroes of this country.*THANK you Gwen Lister for your Political Perspective of last Friday (March 30). Gwen and I think alike. We must be twins separated at birth, one black one white. The way the N$50 000 was dished out is a disgrace! I agree that the money should’ve gone to the combatants only. Secondly, these heroes should have been given financial literacy training before dishing out the money. Thirdly, people who benefited from Swapo training etc and have high paying jobs today should be ashamed that they gave pensioners only N$50 raise while they got N$50 000. Are we true patriots or saboteurs of the economy of our own country? Shame to all the rich who took the N$50 000.
*Finally! Thank you Honourable Nghimtina. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is tantamount to insanity. The same should have happened to previous Air Namibia board members. You don’t perform, then expect to be given the boot or simply resign. I believe it is unethical and preposterous for board members and management to receive compensation when they continuously mess up. We cannot and should not be a nation that rewards mediocrity. I wish the new board with a strong business acumen all the best in making Air Namibia a success story.- Rui Tyitende *I personally do not agree with Conrad Angula’s article on ‘women who seem to have it all’ What has Hella done apart from domestic violence with her Kwaito star Mushe? Does he mean there aren’t real women who seem to have it all? And who’s the community journalist?! A picture of a bikini-clad Hela doesn’t constitute ‘having it all’.Politics*THE problems in Okahandja are a direct result of the illegitimate councillors serving on the Swapo ticket. Both the regional and local authority councillors were dictated and imposed onto the people by the Swapo head office hence in the eyes of the majority they are illegitimate and are only accountable to the appointing authority (Windhoek). The continuous meddling in local and regional authority electoral process is an insult to the wishes of the people.*WHO gave the Swapo Party Youth League authority to go involve themselves in the internal politics of ANC and to attack President Jacob Zuma and its leadership? This is not good for international relations. What if the ANC leaders who are in government stop exporting goods to Namibia because of the remarks of Swapo Party Youth League?- Concerned SPYL member*THIS time around Elijah Ngurare or Swapo Party have gone so far as choosing a side in ANC politics. That is reckless and dangerous for Swapo Party to do that.- Omusati *PEOPLE who are criticising Minister Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana have no interest of the war veterans at heart. How can they encourage war veterans to spend their money on alcohol? You may hate the minister but what she is saying is true. She is just trying to advise her comrades. We were given this money to help ourselves and our families, not spend it on alcohol. How can someone go so low to support drunkenness, shame.- Patriotic war veteranTribal Issues*I am blaming the Namibian Government for being responsible for the big conflict among our traditional leaders. Our Government was wrong by recognising the royal house leaders to represent people who do not belong to that royal house. We are sick and tired. Let us choose the our own leaders rather than those forced on us from the four royal houses, which are Kambazembi, Thom, Zeraeua and Maharero.- MMT Jobs*PRIME Minister Nahas Angula, why does the recruitment process take too long in the public sector as compared with the private sector which takes only one month? It takes about two months to sort out applications and three months for approval in your own office. That is almost half a year? – Concerned unemployed graduateTaxi*TAXI (E226) charged me N$10 today (April 1). He even got aggressive with me when I protested. *IT is pure arrogance and irresponsibility of Nabta to think they can disrespect the same people who put bread on their tables, the consumers. What if we the consumers decide to go on strike too? We can boycott taxis for a week by carpooling with those who have cars or wake up early and walk to work just to proof a point that taxis need us and vice versa. Nabta should not think this cannot happen! It is not raining anymore, we can do it as workers. Workers have been known to bring systems down when they organise themselves, and Nabta must respect workers who put bread on the tables of its members.*LET’S give our constructive contributions in a respectful manner in order to avoid insults towards other people. As a person from the North, I was very much disturbed by the SMS which is telling Magnus Nangombe to run the Nabta in the North where anything goes. Please take note that the North is part of Namibia and operates through laws and orders.- Kandy*WHEN taxi drivers strike due to the high traffic tickets you never supported them. Now that it’s about the increase of the taxi fares you wake up. Magnus Nangombe keep it up. I salute you for that.*SHAME on you Magnus. Your term expired and there you are, still clinging to the Nabta presidency. If you are sure it is not important to inform the public about taxi fare increases why is it important for you to put your senseless comments in public domain? Did you receive the N$50 000 veterans packet too? Your comments are like those of someone who just drank up N$50 000.Education*THE teachers’ English Proficiency test results must be a joke. I did not answer 70% of the test but I am exempted and congratulated for my good performance.*I HAVE a huge problem with Eheke Junior Secondary School. Learners are starting the exams on Wednesday but still they didn’t get the timetables. Do they know that they are contributing to the high failure rate?*I do not understand why teachers are complaining about their salaries. Before they studied to become teachers, they knew about the salary scale and secondly the basic salary is indicated in the advertisements. Can teachers not even comprehend that. They chose the career and the salary.*POOR management IUM Ongwediva campus. We did not get our results for last year. Do they expect parents to give us money to pay if we did not get our results? Do they expect us to write the next exam? We are paying our money for nothing.- Worried studentLabour Issues*MR SHOPATI: It seems you can’t stand up for nurses anymore. What happened? Were you given what you wanted by the senior officials in Government like a better position to pay you well? It seems you have become a backstabber to nurses. Just tell us so that we know you can’t stand up for us.- KGS*PERMANENT secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs, did you know it’s illegal to change overtime rates without informing staff members? Even changing rates on overtime forms without giving a copy can be regarded as fraud. What kind of an accountant are you?*MINISTRY of Health and Ministry of Finances, I wonder why you refuse to increase nurses’ salaries, while other employees like teachers have their salaries increased almost every two years. Tate Kamwi please hear our voices. Prime Minister we are looking to you. We save lives but nobody recognises us.- UuyuniSport*THANK you The Namibian for introducing the northern stream and southern stream football fixtures. I have been waiting for this. At last I will be updated on my team Rundu Chiefs and their rival Cuca Tops. I hope you will soon include their log standings too. In and From the Regions*WE have a problem with water here in Karibib. The municipality closed all the water points and we had to pay N$10 for a week but the people used that money up. Please help us.

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