SMS Of The Day
*QUESTIONS about communal land: Who is superior to the other between the traditional authorities and the communal land boards? Does an applicant have a right to expand the existing fence of his/her new crop field?
Food for Thought*NAMIBIAN male and female national teams should be given properly qualified and credible coaches with proven track records at international level. It’s shameful too that every time we are beaten we find lame excuses. Who is fooling who? Don’t cling to power if you can’t deliverBouquets and Brickbats*I THINK it will be a good idea if the Ramatex buildings can be transformed into shopping malls as well as recreational parks.*AT last the Roads Authority have their collective head out of the sand and called for consultancy services for an arrestor bed to be constructed west of Usakos. This after several accidents and deaths over the years. This is only step one. Someone has to tender to build and then the successful tenderer has to complete the work. This is good for a few years…
*WHY should we be treated like this ? Even killers are taken care of. Teachers and learners at Nankuntwe Combined School are surrounded by water. There is no potable water to drink, no medical services.- A teacher from Nankuntwe CS*’CHINESE dictate terms for their loan’: ‘As a result the procurement of goods, loans and related services would be done on a negotiated basis between the Namibian and Chinese governments’! This actually is an open invitation for corruption.*THIS beautiful city of ours is definitely not as beautiful as it was due to Parks and Gardens not doing their work properly. The flowerbeds are in a pitiful state, not to mention the disgusting condition of the pavements. Please make sure your people do their work.A Question of Land*THE Founding President once said that the land issue must be handled correctly to avoid future problems. Those were wise words from a wise old man. Minister !Naruseb should go to the Founding President and hear his views on the matter! People are unhappy with land issues, careful plans to address this should be put in place!*COMRADE Minister !Naruseb we all know that the 20 hectares is a law! However we also know that laws can be changed! The fact that this law is not accepted by the majority of the Namibians should tell you something! Either teach the people the law, so that all their fears are addressed, or change it! Right now even us literates who live in villages don’t quite understand it. How about the masses? Stop the registration and explain the law! Don’t force people into registering it will be like Odendaal!*THE issue of 20 hectares is in the news nowadays. Will commercial farmers who still own land in commercial areas also benefit from these hectares or will they be forced leave to their farms?*SHAME on those Namibians who are trying to block fellow Namibians from occupying land in the Goraseb communal area. Remember that land does not belong to you! We all have a right to occupy land as per the directives of our government. Using violence does not resolve anything. This is not a political matter. In fact, be grateful to our government for sitting on that piece of land. Do not provoke the Namibians. We all know how to behave in specific situations. – Otilie*ALL the committee members giving plots at Ndama and Kehemu must be brought to book. Why are they charging people money? The plots belong to the town council. We request the town council to call a meeting and write the names of all people who were given plots and paid N$350 and N$500 respectively. They must return all the moneyA Place to Call Home*MINISTER Ekandjo you announced on NBC and in The Namibian just before regional elections that old government houses and flats would be sold to the occupants countrywide. Now it’s already 2012!Law and Order*OMBUDSMAN please intervene in the old and outdated colonial and repressive Body Corporate Act. Some of us want to pay our own rates and taxes but the system is reprehensible and the City of Windhoek is milking us. Water is a basic commodity and we are being deprived of this right. Many people have already lost their houses through this cruel system.Education*DOES the government have agreements with churches to conduct church services in school premises around the country? Does it have a lease agreement and get payment. The ministry must provide answer to the public.*DEPUTY Minister Namwandi come to A Shipena School before Augustineum drama re occur at Shipena.Health Matters*CAN someone open a hygiene school in Namibia where people working in restaurants, supermarkets and those handling food can be taught that licking your finger to open the carry bag to pack food or groceries is just plain dirty and disgusting. Please educate our nation.In and From the Regions*OTJIMBINGWE has a rich history and we will gain from tourism but the problem is the road. Councillor make of the Targeted Intervention Programme for Employment and Economic Growth (Tipeeg) and tar the road. It will also help the youth who are unemployed. Getting the road tarred will benefit us all.*OSHAKATI Town Council why did you put loads of sand on the gravel road at Okandjengendi and leave them just like that for almost three weeks, making movement of vehicles and people very difficult. Why don’t you put a standard gravel road for once rather loads of sand every time it rains.*COUNCILLOR Nekongo of Onayena Constituency, Oshikoto Region we need electricity in the Oniiwe area mainly at Nakuleka cuca shop and Ambunda Primary School. We are also struggling with the MTC network. It is time for us to benefit. Independence happened a long time ago.General*DOES MTC really have two million customers? Meaning that all Namibians have cell phones? This is a hard one as I know individuals have more than one number. Other SIM cards have expired. How has this calculation been done?Labour Issues*TO the Minister Safety and Security, when are the basic salaries for security guards going to be increased? We are tired. We are paid $3.85 an hour and for a 12-hour shift that is only $45. Will our government do something please. We stand the whole night. We feel cold and hunger but we must work for money. How can we survive with our families and school kids when, at the end of each month, we only get $1 185. Try to do something please.- Nehemia, Walvis Bay
*WHY is it that security guards must work in the rain in dangerous places but are not paid double for Sundays and holidays? Why Minister of Labour?NBC*NBC please wake up! You are forcing people to pay for your channel but your service is so poor. We are tired of watching only Namibian things, we want international things too. You can cut off your service and leave our TVs alone please.Sporting*WHAT happened with Northern Stream soccer league how far are they with their second leg?Service Please*I AM frustrated by Trustco. They haven’t delivered my textbooks yet and I registered last year. The course is about N$30 000 and assignments need to be submitted. Where will I get info to complete my assignments.*CAN somebody please explain why certain businesses are discouraging debit card payments. Banks encourage electronic banking because of its relative safety and convenience but certain businesses are seeking to gain financially by imposing illegal charges and restrictions. My experience:1) A supermarket in the village of Kamanjab (called Oasis) refuses to accept debit card payments of less than N$260. I complained to FNB because they use FNB speed point terminals. I was not helped.2) Recently I had my bakkie panel-beaten at PZN in Windhoek. PZN demanded a 12% additional charge if I paid the excess fees with a debit card. I had to go to the bank to withdraw the cash because the amount I needed was higher than my daily limit. And as we all know cash withdrawals come with higher bank charges. Is there a consumer institution where abuses such as this can be lodged?- Karl AribebResponses to recent SMSes*IF a principal moans about the workload (what work? paper filing? ) then what about the teachers’ workload? Some school principals are even exempted from teaching because they are cluster heads. – Worried principal*TO the person who wanted to know why teacher’s workshops are not held during holidays please ask yourself this: would you cut your vacation leave short to attend a workshop? I bet not. Even if you would, if the workshop is deemed necessary and the concerned teacher has to attend, it must be done during office hours. Period!
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