* THE country is in crisis but I don’t think it affects Members of Parliament. Reason: we are suffering and cannot afford power, water and food and in the midst of this they have the audacity to propose spending N$8 million on moving the Rider Moment and building a new museum. Crises should be addressed, not museums! We are not a first world country! Wake up!
Food for Thought * SOLUTION to the Oshiwambo NBC Radio listeners about Oshiwambo dialects used by presenters, which some people are not happy with. The solution is, come up with standard Oshiwambo language in order to accommodate both dialects to the satisfaction of all Oshiwambo speakers and leave alone dialects within their demarcations. This is a practice in most civilised societies all over the world. Do languages research then you will agree with me.Rest in Peace* CONDOLENCES: Comrade (Gabes) Shihepo rest in peace. We salute you foreverMany Happy Returns* HAPPY 90th Birthday to tate Madiba, the world’s favourite icon and pride of Africa. I wish and hope that some leaders in Swapo can learn from your gravitas and humility to make Namibia a better place for all.* HAPPY 90th Birthday, dear Madiba! I wish you could live forever and we had more true leaders like you, particularly in Africa!How About It?* PLEASE would the City Council ask (Founding President) Mr (Sam) Nujoma if Mugabe Avenue can be renamed Ellen Sirleaf Johnson Avenue.* YES Tanzania did a lot for Namibia. Rename (Robert) Mugabe Avenue to Julius Nyerere Avenue. Or part of it should be called thus.Dear Government …* I’M curious about who decided which foods would be exempted from VAT and why they chose these items. Cake flour and lard are not exactly healthy, nutritious foods. Why not rather promote healthy eating by making veggies and milk more affordable? Like a modern-day Marie Antoinette, if told that the children have no milk Government can now say: “Let them eat vetkoek”.* ISN’T there a Government programme which can replace the massive lack of jobs in our country? – Jay-Jay, Aus* NOW the Government has solved the problem for the ex-combatants, what about us? We are unemployed people, we are suffering please, please give us N$100.* GIPF is granting soft loans to politically well-connected people, most of these loans are not recovered, while we the members of the Fund are cash trapped and cannot even use the cash value of our pension as a security to obtain housing loans or Agribank loans.* MINISTRY of Lands, what is the rationale behind buying a farm of over 10 000 ha and allocating it as one unit (Kunene Region – Kamanjab area). No wonder land reform is so slow.* IT is not worthwhile to listen to the arguments of some of the lawmakers, as they are senseless, immature and destructive and tarnish the good image of a Parliament.* GOVERNMENT is trying hard to fight corruption but they are promoting it. Management of Mariental Hospital check your Telecom bills and see who is spending hours on the phone while patients have to wait. – Concerned PatientGeneral* I AM responding to the concerned citizen on whether there is a business park in China called Africa. First of all I am a young black man, and am often puzzled by the ignorance that we have as Africans especially those who have never left Namibia since birth. Most Namibians are not business-minded and complain about straightforward things.Let’s get serious please.* I AM shocked and disgusted by a Police officer stealing money while investigating an armed robbery live on camera, apparently he has not been arrested yet because the Police are still investigating the amount of cash stolen. My question to the chief of Police is: Sir, what is the limit that a Police officer should steal in order to be arrested? We are waiting for your response! – Debbie, Walvis Bay.* CITY traffic police should learn to drive.* IS Israel’s (former Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon still in coma or what? – Concerned African He had a stroke on January 4 2006 and remains in a coma. – NewsdeskMaking Connections* WAD responds to ‘Women in need of skills’.* You are ostensibly not informed about training in Omaheke. The Otjinene training centre has been transferred to Gobabis, from where all training workshops will be conducted, and facilitated by the trainers of the Omaheke Community Voice. The Chairperson’s contact number is 081 286 5877. – Executive Director* THEUNS, thank you for your response to AJ’s enquiry and I would like you to please elaborate more, perhaps on letters pages of The Namibian, concerning possible funding or investors for the constructing and testing of one’s ideas and or selling thereof … come on all Namibian designers/inventors; let’s hear from you with the aim to form one negotiating body. – WilhelmBouquets And Brickbats* SOINI moderating NBC Talk of the Nation on July 15 was really doing it great. Continue that way. You were not biased in any way. Other presenters need to copy you.* THIS message goes to Florence and Martha of the Legal Assistance Centre Windhoek. I am really impressed with what you are doing. We achieved a lot in these three days of school principals workshop about orphans and vulnerable children. Keep up the good work and God bless. – BenZimbabwe* IMPOSING economic sanctions seems to be toothless to [President Robert] Mugabe and his government. Why not ban them from participating in SADC, Nepad, etc, and take them to the ICC to bring them to book? In fact, they are aggressors just like Hitler, Abacha and others. – Setson ItanaSHOULD Robert Mugabe be tried for crimes against humanity?* NAMBINGA P [Monday], Zanu-PF was not alone in the Chimurenga and others were fighting while Bob was scheming his rise at their expense! Remember Josiah Tongagara, the leader of the Chimurenga and loved leader before his mysterious killing in Lusaka. Zanu-PF is now an oppressor of the people like (former Prime Minister Ian) Smith. Wake up and help restore our beautiful country’s respect and confidence. Don’t be a downpressor man!In And From the Regions* PLEASE Anti-Corruption Commission, Office of the Prime Minister, Permanent Secretary and Napwu help your children of the Office of Rural Water Supply, Rundu. It’s like we are working on a private farm not for the GRN.* I HAVE a house in Ongenga and I used to pay more than N$350 a month to municipality for services that I don’t use. Is that right? – Tweuya* I WOULD like to invite the NBC-TV and The Namibian please go and visit the following villages in the Ohangwena Region, Omulonga Constituency. They are: Ohaukelo, Ohepa, Onashali, Ehoma, you will see that there is no development in those areas. Please just go and pick up some news.* I’M concerned about the collection of household rubbish in Oshakati West. They collect it once per month. I think it’s a health disaster.Disconnections* MY request to MTC to look at areas like Omunghongo, Okandonga, Haufiku-weenime, Oduludia, Omahahi, Onambaladi, Egologolo, Onkumbula, etc. We are in need of your service, we are suffering a lot. Your network point can be at Omahahi, Onambaladi so that can be connected with Epembe, Oshikunde, Okankolo and Ontana. This problem is in Ohangwena in Epembe constituency. Please we need your service over there. – Shindabi* MTC, I believe that you are aware of the network crisis we are facing at Kalkrand, it’s a B1 area whose network needs to be upgraded fully. We the residents don’t even know when and where to switch on our cells just to get network. – Concern Customer.* THE best times on NBC are reserved for meaningless soapies like ‘Generations’ while informative and educational programmes like wildlife documentaries are broadcast in the mornings when kids who need to see them most are at school and most viewers at work. Please change.Education* THE rate of N$255 per day for teachers marking Grade 10 national exams in Windhoek is too little, it should be raised to at least N$300 or N$400. Transport, food and accommodation has gone up. Government rates and salaries do not change while things are going up.* THE comparison statement made by Comrade (Elijah) Ngurare at the SPYL Central Committee meeting comparing Nanso to Nantu refers. Sometimes we should think before making statements. Nantu has membership monthly contributions and what does Nanso have? Is it now because the Secretary General of the National Youth Council is from Nanso? What are you trying to say? Please let’s try to concentrate on real issues of education.* SOMETHING must be done to the Omusati Educational region. How on earth can they not attend to our files for three months. These people are not working really. Something is wrong somewhere in their office.* IF Unam management is corrupt, bring evidence and let’s take it to the ACC. But if you don’t, then keep quiet. Let’s build Unam instead of destroying it with rumours. Progress please. – Nicky* WHEN shall the Ministry of Education, particularly in Khomas Region, take action against principals who spend money from the School Development Fund without the permission of the school boards and, at times, schools can’t operate efficiently because money has been misappropriated and have to wait for cash inflows to fund daily operations. Get rid of those headmasters.* MINISTRY of Education, watch closely the interviews and the entry tests done at Ongwediva and Windhoek colleges. At least the results of the failures must be posted or published in newspapers to know if they really fail. Some people don’t even pass, but money talks. Let’s open our eyes. – Santiago, Windhoek* INSTITUTE for Open Learning should change their package price because some students have their own text books from colleges and some bought the books in Advanced Certificate course and now they are prescribed in B.Ed Degrees automatic want or not. Change or your poor students will join other institutions.* SOLUTION to the Oshiwambo NBC Radio listeners about Oshiwambo dialects used by presenters, which some people are not happy with. The solution is, come up with standard Oshiwambo language in order to accommodate both dialects to the satisfaction of all Oshiwambo speakers and leave alone dialects within their demarcations. This is a practice in most civilised societies all over the world. Do languages research then you will agree with me.Rest in Peace * CONDOLENCES: Comrade (Gabes) Shihepo rest in peace. We salute you forever Many Happy Returns * HAPPY 90th Birthday to tate Madiba, the world’s favourite icon and pride of Africa. I wish and hope that some leaders in Swapo can learn from your gravitas and humility to make Namibia a better place for all.* HAPPY 90th Birthday, dear Madiba! I wish you could live forever and we had more true leaders like you, particularly in Africa! How About It? * PLEASE would the City Council ask (Founding President) Mr (Sam) Nujoma if Mugabe Avenue can be renamed Ellen Sirleaf Johnson Avenue.* YES Tanzania did a lot for Namibia. Rename (Robert) Mugabe Avenue to Julius Nyerere Avenue. Or part of it should be called thus.Dear Government …* I’M curious about who decided which foods would be exempted from VAT and why they chose these items. Cake flour and lard are not exactly healthy, nutritious foods. Why not rather promote healthy eating by making veggies and milk more affordable? Like a modern-day Marie Antoinette, if told that the children have no milk Government can now say: “Let them eat vetkoek”.* ISN’T there a Government programme which can replace the massive lack of jobs in our country? – Jay-Jay, Aus * NOW the Government has solved the problem for the ex-combatants, what about us? We are unemployed people, we are suffering please, please give us N$100.* GIPF is granting soft loans to politically well-connected people, most of these loans are not recovered, while we the members of the Fund are cash trapped and cannot even use the cash value of our pension as a security to obtain housing loans or Agribank loans. * MINISTRY of Lands, what is the rationale behind buying a farm of over 10 000 ha and allocating it as one unit (Kunene Region – Kamanjab area). No wonder land reform is so slow.* IT is not worthwhile to listen to the arguments of some of the lawmakers, as they are senseless, immature and destructive and tarnish the good image of a Parliament.* GOVERNMENT is trying hard to fight corruption but they are promoting it. Management of Mariental Hospital check your Telecom bills and see who is spending hours on the phone while patients have to wait. – Concerned Patient General * I AM responding to the concerned citizen on whether there is a business park in China called Africa. First of all I am a young black man, and am often puzzled by the ignorance that we have as Africans especially those who have never left Namibia since birth. Most Namibians are not business-minded and complain about straightforward things.Let’s get serious please.* I AM shocked and disgusted by a Police officer stealing money while investigating an armed robbery live on camera, apparently he has not been arrested yet because the Police are still investigating the amount of cash stolen. My question to the chief of Police is: Sir, what is the limit that a Police officer should steal in order to be arrested? We are waiting for your response! – Debbie, Walvis Bay.* CITY traffic police should learn to drive.* IS Israel’s (former Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon still in coma or what? – Concerned African He had a stroke on January 4 2006 and remains in a coma. – Newsdesk Making Connections * WAD responds to ‘Women in need of skills’.* You are ostensibly not informed about training in Omaheke. The Otjinene training centre has been transferred to Gobabis, from where all training workshops will be conducted, and facilitated by the trainers of the Omaheke Community Voice. The Chairperson’s contact number is 081 286 5877. – Executive Director * THEUNS, thank you for your response to AJ’s enquiry and I would like you to please elaborate more, perhaps on letters pages of The Namibian, concerning possible funding or investors for the constructing and testing of one’s ideas and or selling thereof … come on all Namibian designers/inventors; let’s hear from you with the aim to form one negotiating body. – Wilhelm Bouquets And Brickbats * SOINI moderating NBC Talk of the Nation on July 15 was really doing it great. Continue that way. You were not biased in any way. Other presenters need to copy you.* THIS message goes to Florence and Martha of the Legal Assistance Centre Windhoek. I am really impressed with what you are doing. We achieved a lot in these three days of school principals workshop about orphans and vulnerable children. Keep up the good work and God bless. – Ben Zimbabwe * IMPOSING economic sanctions seems to be toothless to [President Robert] Mugabe and his government. Why not ban them from participating in SADC, Nepad, etc, and take them to the ICC to bring them to book? In fact, they are aggressors just like Hitler, Abacha and others. – Setson Itana SHOULD Robert Mugabe be tried for crimes against humanity? * NAMBINGA P [Monday], Zanu-PF was not alone in the Chimurenga and others were fighting while Bob was scheming his rise at their expense! Remember Josiah Tongagara, the leader of the Chimurenga and loved leader before his mysterious killing in Lusaka. Zanu-PF is now an oppressor of the people like (former Prime Minister Ian) Smith. Wake up and help restore our beautiful country’s respect and confidence. Don’t be a downpressor man! In And From the Regions * PLEASE Anti-Corruption Commission, Office of the Prime Minister, Permanent Secretary and Napwu help your children of the Office of Rural Water Supply, Rundu. It’s like we are working on a private farm not for the GRN.* I HAVE a house in Ongenga and I used to pay more than N$350 a month to municipality for services that I don’t use. Is that right? – Tweuya * I WOULD like to invite the NBC-TV and The Namibian please go and visit the following villages in the Ohangwena Region, Omulonga Constituency. They are: Ohaukelo, Ohepa, Onashali, Ehoma, you will see that there is no development in those areas. Please just go and pick up some news.* I’M concerned about the collection of household rubbish in Oshakati West. They collect it once per month. I think it’s a health disaster.Disconnections * MY request to MTC to look at areas like Omunghongo, Okandonga, Haufiku-weenime, Oduludia, Omahahi, Onambaladi, Egologolo, Onkumbula, etc. We are in need of your service, we are suffering a lot. Your network point can be at Omahahi, Onambaladi so that can be connected with Epembe, Oshikunde, Okankolo and Ontana. This problem is in Ohangwena in Epembe constituency. Please we need your service over there. – Shindabi * MTC, I believe that you are aware of the network crisis we are facing at Kalkrand, it’s a B1 area whose network needs to be upgraded fully. We the residents don’t even know when and where to switch on our cells just to get network. – Concern Customer.* THE best times on NBC are reserved for meaningless soapies like ‘Generations’ while informative and educational programmes like wildlife documentaries are broadcast in the mornings when kids who need to see them most are at school and most viewers at work. Please change.Education * THE rate of N$255 per day for teachers marking Grade 10 national exams in Windhoek is too little, it should be raised to at least N$300 or N$400. Transport, food and accommodation has gone up. Government rates and salaries do not change while things are going up.* THE comparison statement made by Comrade (Elijah) Ngurare at the SPYL Central Committee meeting comparing Nanso to Nantu refers. Sometimes we should think before making statements. Nantu has membership monthly contributions and what does Nanso have? Is it now because the Secretary General of the National Youth Council is from Nanso? What are you trying to say? Please let’s try to concentrate on real issues of education.* SOMETHING must be done to the Omusati Educational region. How on earth can they not attend to our files for three months. These people are not working really. Something is wrong somewhere in their office.* IF Unam management is corrupt, bring evidence and let’s take it to the ACC. But if you don’t, then keep quiet. Let’s build Unam instead of destroying it with rumours. Progress please. – Nicky * WHEN shall the Ministry of Education, particularly in Khomas Region, take action against principals who spend money from the School Development Fund without the permission of the school boards and, at times, schools can’t operate efficiently because money has been misappropriated and have to wait for cash inflows to fund daily operations. Get rid of those headmasters.* MINISTRY of Education, watch closely the interviews and the entry tests done at Ongwediva and Windhoek colleges. At least the results of the failures must be posted or published in newspapers to know if they really fail. Some people don’t even pass, but money talks. Let’s open our eyes. – Santiago, Windhoek * INSTITUTE for Open Learning should change their package price because some students have their own text books from colleges and some bought the books in Advanced Certificate course and now they are prescribed in B.Ed Degrees automatic want or not. Change or your poor students will join other institutions.
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