IT is an insult not only to the Swapo Party Government but to Swapo itself to suggest we are buying votes. – Presidential Affairs Minister Albert Kawana describing the 24 per cent over two years increase for civil servants
EVEN to question Mandela’s membership to the ANC is insulting to the memory of Mandela as he basically is still alive. – ANC election campaign manager Fikile MbalulaI AM one of those pessimists who don’t think this issue is going to be resolved in the next year or two years. I think we’re in for a pretty long haul as we try and get the global economy through the trough. I think it’s going to be a long haul. – South Afrian Finance Minister Trevor Manuel on the international financial crisisTHE ministry of public works is supposed to have 60 engineers but they only have two. The ministry of mines has 96 posts but they only have 20 people, including those who make tea. – Zimbabwe’s Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai on the dismal state of that country’s governmentAFTERWARDS they would take care of the funeral so no one would have to see that my private parts had been cut off! – An unnamed man quoted in a Daily Sun story headlined ‘Uncle Wants My Balls!’IN using the perversely racist term ‘garden boy’ in reference to me, Malema has also once again shown himself to be a petty little man who is unable to engage in meaningful debate, and capable only of resorting to the basest form of gutter politics to make his point. – South Africa’s Democratic Alliance youth leader Khume Ramulifho commenting on a number of insulting references and allegations made by ANC youth leader Julius Malema.LOOK I am not an expert on HIV and Aids and I don’t want to venture an opinion on whether it does or not. – Congress of the People leader Mosiuoa Lekota, repeating former President Thabo Mbeki’s view, when asked if HIV causes Aids, in an Interview with News24.NO army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come. – Victor Hugo (1802 – 1885), poet, novelist and dramatistSMOKING cures weight problems… eventually. – Steven Wright, comedian (1955- )KINDNESS is the golden chain by which society is bound together. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832) , poet, dramatist, novelist, and philosopher AS I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. – Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865), 16th president of the United StatesFrom the history booksMUSIC is the universal language of mankind. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1868 – 1882) the most popular poet of the 19th century was born on February 27 1868 in Portland, Maine, USATHE only reason for the existence of a novel is that it does attempt to represent life. – American novelist and critic Henry James(1843 – 1916), died on February 28 1916IN the midst of the confusions of nature one person trusting eternally in another, and making himself and the other secure through faith. – Russian-born artist Oskar Kokoschka was born on March 1 1886
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