Motherhood in My 40s: A Journey of Hope, Health, and Happiness

Tashia Kalondo

I am honoured to to present my opening piece, where I, Tashia Kalondo, share my personal journey of triumph and joy.

For nearly a decade, I carried the weight of infertility, longing to experience the profound blessing of motherhood for a second time.

And then fate did what fate does and smiled upon me.

Today, as I stand at the threshold of a new chapter in my life, I am incredibly excited to share my journey with you through my words, my experiences and my unique perspective.

This is my debut column for The Namibian – the first of many in which I will venture into diverse health and lifestyle topics from motherhood and beyond.

I am thrilled to shed light on the remarkable experience of going through a healthy pregnancy as I prepare to turn 40, delving into the growing trend of women opting to have children later in life.

Join me as we explore the pros, the cons and the exceptional medical professionals and specialists in Namibia who play a pivotal role in the extraordinary field of maternal and neonatal healthcare.

Living in Namibia, I sometimes wonder if we realise how fortunate we are to have access to dedicated doctors and specialists.

The Namibian healthcare system offers a range of specialised services tailored to the unique needs of pregnant women in their 40s.

From obstetricians, gynaecologists, paediatricians, neonatologists and sonographers to lactation consultants, there is an extensive list of multidisciplinary professionals who are readily available to provide you with comprehensive care.

Investing in my well-being
To maintain a healthy lifestyle during my pregnancy, I have made conscious choices to nurture my body, mind and spirit. Regular exercise, under the guidance of my coaches and trainers, has helped me stay active and alleviate common discomforts. Additionally, my dietician has tailored my diet to provide essential nutrients for my baby’s development while ensuring my own well-being.
Though it requires additional time and expenses, the benefits of investing in my health during this precious time are immeasurable.

The rise of motherhood in your 40s
In this column I aim to provide insights into the unique experiences faced by women who embark on motherhood in their 40s, along with other important health-related matters that extend beyond pregnancy.

A decade of challenges with infertility has undoubtedly been tough, but with this sudden blessed turn of events, new worries cloud my mind. We all know that pregnancy after a certain age is not without risks. I will be six months shy of 40 years old by the time my baby arrives, and yes, I have concerns about my health and delivering a healthy baby.

Yet the overwhelming feeling of joy overshadows any concerns. Besides, modern medicine has made remarkable progress in supporting older mothers. Regular check-ups, prenatal screenings, and advanced diagnostic techniques have allowed healthcare professionals to closely monitor the health of both mother and child.

One of the pros of waiting until your 40s is the emotional readiness and financial stability often found at this stage of life.
However, the biological clock is a reality too. After the age of 35, the risk of complications, such as gestational diabetes, hypertension, and chromosomal abnormalities in the baby, increases.

That’s where the support of good healthcare professionals comes in. Namibia is blessed with committed and dedicated doctors and specialists who assist women like me on our journey.

They not only provide top of the range medical care, but also emotional and psychological support, which is crucial during this transformative period.

Juggling work and pregnancy
As an on-air personality at Radiowave, an MC, and a writer, much of my life is in the public eye. The pressure to look good while feeling good is immense.

This has meant investing time and resources in my health and wellness – even more so now with my expanding belly. It’s been a tightrope walk of sorts, but I am learning to embrace the changes one day at a time.

Navigating this journey while working long hours has been challenging. Fatigue and morning sickness don’t quite align with live broadcasts and public appearances. But there’s also a silver lining. My work has given me a platform to inspire and encourage other women who may be facing similar struggles.

It has enabled me to turn my personal experience into shared narratives of resilience and hope. And here’s the truth: Every pregnancy, every mother, every journey is unique. There’s no perfect way to be pregnant.

Although my path to motherhood for the second time has been marked with trials and tribulations, I firmly believe it has made me stronger and better prepared for the journey ahead. Yes, there will be sleepless nights and relentless worries, but there will also be the unparalleled joy of holding my baby in my arms for the first time, a joy I’ve been yearning for and am now only months away from experiencing for the second time.

Despite the challenges, embracing motherhood in my 40s feels empowering. It is a testament to the strength and resilience of women who choose to become mothers when they’re ready, not when society dictates.

We are the women who are breaking barriers and redefining norms, and we do it with grace and courage. There is no right or wrong time to become a mother. Whether you’re in your 20s or your 40s, the experience is life-changing, beautiful and profound. It is a journey of love, of growth, and ultimately, of becoming.

As I embark on this journey with my incredible partner, Demetrio, I hope to share more of my experiences, my fears, our triumphs and our joy with you.

I hope to create a space for conversation, support and shared stories.
Thank you for joining me on this new path.

Here’s to a healthier, happier Namibia, one story at a time.
Wishing you love, joy and good health.

  • Tashia Kalondo is a media personality, MC, Radiowave presenter, NBC TV news anchor, and writer.
  • Find her at, @TashiaKalondo on Instagram, @TashiaKalondo on Twitter, and Tashia Kalondo on Facebook.

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