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Making Way For The Young

Making Way For The Young

THANKS for giving me this opportunity to express my view in your good newspaper and once again thank you for ‘telling it like it is’.

I am so sick and tired of hearing our political leaders calling the youth the ‘leaders of tomorrow’. I have heard this year in year out. I’ve seen teachers go into retirement to make way for those who graduated from colleges, I’ve seen a lot of people retire, who by the way are perfectly healthy and strong to still go on for few years, but they prefer to go home and spend what is left of their growing ages with their loved ones. To enjoy their money/pensions that they’ve worked so hard for. And it really makes me happy to see that there are people who care about themselves enough to give themselves a break in life, as you can’t work forever.Sadly, I can’t say the same for our political office-bearers, most of whom have been in office since independence 19 years ago. I have seen that most of these politicians are becoming old and are not making sense anymore. They get agitated and say things that irrelevant to what was said. When asked to answer questions raised by other parliamentarians, they get angry and sing the same old song ‘we fought for this country … we were beaten by the Boers’. Is it not time yet to practise what you preach. Is this country to young to be governed by young people? Has the youth of 19 years ago not matured yet? Are these politicians not going to make way for the ‘youth’? Why is it always African leaders (some) who take so long to step down from their seats and make way for new leadership. They have become so paranoid that they are now sacking their own people as it suits them. What are they hiding? Why are they out to get the media and accuse them of favouritism?They say this is a democratic country and right to political affiliation is protected by the Constitution, yet we hear how they (leaders) insult each other and call names to breakaway party members and their supporters. Those people know why they broke away from you and form their own political party, because like us, they are tired of being made the same promises made to us during their election campaigns. They only know us (youth) when they need us and that is during election, because they know we are the majority. Gregory ModiseVia e-mail

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