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Frontlining on Twitter

Frontlining on Twitter

WIT and wisdom from the Twitter trenches! Children, mattresses, presidents, rap battles, words to live by, or at least take note of … and how does Miss Namibia’s dress rate?

@Naffy101: Namibia is boring because people are negative towards new initiatives and are too concerned with what others think!@Teko__10: Don’t see the point of electing a President who might not make it to see #Vi- sion2030 …@Onoshali: 49% of #China’s wealthy don’t have a university degree… If They Can So Can Namibians…@Mlle_Elsie: My life will never be complete without a good book every now and then.@AndyFetch: Miss Namibia’ s national dress for the Miss Universe 2012, by Namibia’s fashion designer Cobus Moller is absolutely gorgeous!
Children, Og!@MediocreHarry: Only going to write my kid’s name in their underwear, no ad- dress. If you can’t remember where you live then maybe you shouldn’t be returned.@TheMerja: The day my kids ask me to choose between them and choc nut italiano flavoured ice-cream, I’ll pack their bags for them.
Words To Weigh@Netmorris: What’s the point of replacing the mattress, or oiling its springs if your conscience has you sleeping with one eye open? #morals@AIShaanika: To fall in love is awfully simple; to fall out of love is simply awful.@Lea_fabulous: A free society is a place where it’s safe to be unpopular!@KondjaBoytjie: Never like or hate someone by what you hear from others.
Passing Shots@tori_ox: You want a wife that cooks and cleans like you’ve never seen but you know nothing about basic DIY tasks like fixing a leaking tap. No, sit down.@imthatjen: Watching the 8 o’crock news on NBC :’D@Uiisira: #2013Resolutions Go to Dylan’s and challenge random white people to a rap battle don’t miss.
Compiled by Jean Sutherland from

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