IF you’re reading this, the Earth is still pivoting on its axis even if you’re lurching from one Doomsday scenario to another! Namibian tweeps yesterday added to the buzz about 12h12 on 12.12.12. Also, DTA Vice President Philemon Moongo’s appearance on NBC’s ‘One On One’ brought joy to many a Namibian timeline. Plus, Miss Namibia, Justin Bieber, TeQuila, and more …
@itsDonBiggz: Please people, we’re supposed to die on the 21st not the 12th. Namibians can’t even die on the correct date.@tori_ox: No one told me the world will end in a minute. I just started redecorating !!! :-/. Next time warn me in advance.@MafediSelepe: Everybody knows that the world is not ending in two weeks… that’s why my baked beans are expiring in 2014.@ATP101: Two minutes to 12:12 12/12/12.@braalo_theone: The time is 12h12 date 12/12/12, this will never repeat itself for the next 1 000 years@lyzza1: At 12:12:12:12:12 I was on Twitter.@crazynellz: We’ve only got nine days left to live :-/ —> RT @HelviKovambo: The thirst on my TL tho. It’s like you’ll die w/o quenching it.@FoxyGinnah: Why don’t we all just become born again?? Just in case the world really is ending!@KondjaBoytjie: Just to get home to find Jehovah’s Witnesses at home…. Bleeeh….@Ti_Na_H: 12/ 12 /12 , exactly 12 days left to Christmas.Mr Moongo On ‘1 On 1’@Ndawa_Vee: Every politician has their fave word; Mr Moongo’s is ‘My dear’ …@Ich_Bin_Cutman: Nobody is perfect but #MrMoongo came close.@RudeKandi: Moongo is quite wrinkled, or is it our TV?At Random@Ms_Ketu: From today till December 18, I will be voting for Our Miss Namibia ‘Tsakana’ 10 times a day. My reminder is SET. LET’S (do it)!!!@Princess_Jvee: Wow Justin Bieber tickets sold out in South Africa..?!?! O_O I wanted to gooo 🙁 that’s my boo!!@Lady_Nuule: Appreciating Nam Music… Mushe, Maszanga, TeQuila and Sally on my playlist.Passing Shots@Operi_Namibia: Septem-Bar, Octo-Bar, Novem-Bar, Decem-Bar and than its JanWorry and FebrWorry… Don’t lose your cool, it’s the last of the bar months..@amalenge: The confused look on tourists’ faces when they see a sign at an Afrikaans Church saying: ‘God, Die Here’ (in Afrikaans it is ‘The Lord my God’.)@funnyoneliners: Dear Santa, for 2012, I’d like a fat bank account and a slim body. And please don’t mix up the two like you did last year.- Compiled by Jean Sutherland from twitter.com
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