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Employ All Graduates Now

Employ All Graduates Now

THE Namibian Government has completely failed to address the issue of unemployment for the past 21 years of independence, with a shocking percentage of 52 percent unemployment rate.

This percentage includes a high number of graduates who obtained their qualifications at overseas universities and Namibian tertiary institutions like the University of Namibia, Polytechnic of Namibia, International University Management, education colleges and vocational (training institutions). Most of these graduates are sponsored by the government to further their studies in different fields that are in line with national development, but after completion of their studies they hardly get jobs in the government or private sectors, due to the reason that the Namibian job market is small and it demands a lot of experiences from these graduates, who have just graduated with high hopes of being employed. And another reason is that the government which sponsored them to study is always reluctant to employ them, forgetting that, these unemployed graduates can play a vital role in the national development of the country and also pay back their study loans.One surprising thing is that our national leaders and private sector leaders are always preaching and encouraging young Namibians to study, saying there are no skilled people in Namibia. This is insane. There are many graduates with genuine qualifications who have been unemployed for a long time. They can’t get jobs because of the failure and weakness of the government. The government was supposed to make laws, which automatically support and help all graduates to be employed as soon as they finish their studies and also ban this issue of five years experience (requirement). (Some) people who are employed in the government and parastatals have no qualifications or skills. They are just there because of corruption and nepotism. No wonder government ministries don’t deliver quality services, because of these unqualified and incompetent so-called civil servants. Mind you, these so-called civil servants are always blocking graduates from getting into the government service and parastatals, fearing they would lose their jobs.Unemployment among graduates is also a brain child of the Namibian government. The same government is employing more foreigners in both the government and parastatals. The same government is also giving business opportunities to foreigners again. The government of Namibia, if it doesn’t want to see massive national protests like the ones that took place in northern Africa, it must immediately register of graduates and employ them. This ticking bomb is about to explode.I call upon all graduates in Namibia to stand up against the government, by using their skills and brain to force the failed government to step down. This can be done by grouping themselves and stage a national protest that will spread in all corners of Namibia and these protest would force the President, cabinet and the parliament MPs to resign or step down, because they have destroyed this country.UnemployedBy email

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