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Do Not Impose Christianity

Do Not Impose Christianity

RECENT calls by ‘Chris-tians’for the government to re-introduce religious education in schools are both unreasonable and groundless.

The founding authors of the Constitution with foresight declared Namibia a secular state and thereby pre-empting those who would try to impose their religious beliefs on others.Those making such calls seem to adumbrate that ‘Christian’ education in schools will mould our children into responsible adults. The problems besetting our society have much to do with how we raise our children as well as the breakdown of our mores and less to do with religious education or lack thereof.Why are these ‘Christians’not vigorously tackling societal issues like alcohol and gambling? Is it not because it is mostly ” who own shebeens and gambling houses?I will not stand idly by while some people are advocating for the teaching of some archaic dogma steeped in Christianity or any other form of religious fundamentalism to my children at school. Christians do not have the monopoly on the compass of right or wrong. Secularist, Kuisebmond

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